This is utterly disgusting

and plumbs new depths, even for the Brit media:
‘It’s the nasty undercurrent to the US election, but could racism put Mitt Romney in the White House?
In 2008, Obama won 43 per cent of the white vote; this time just 37 per cent support him, according to the latest polls, and pundits believe his re-election is in serious jeopardy unless he can increase that figure…’ source
When the plain fact is that blacks–who voted something like 94% based on race–put Obama in the White House. And very many whites also voted for him!  It seems if you’re even half-black, your failures must be due to white racism.

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16 Responses to This is utterly disgusting

  1. mawm says:

    Racism – the trump card played by the left who think it requires neither justification nor defense……but which is, in reality, the final card played by those who have neither the intellect to mount a coherent argument or the facts to support it.

    • Richard says:

      Because clearly it’s racist to ask that your President be competent or of good character.

      Fuckwits. I can’t even begin to describe the disgust and anger I feel at Obama’s actions, inactions, and betrayals. And I’m not even American (though if I were still young enough I’d head right over there and enlist, idealistic fool that I am…).

  2. Michael in Nelson says:

    It has become a given that blacks in the USA (I refuse to call them African-American because there are more non-slave descendant blacks in America now) vote by race far more than Caucasians. Yet the leftist elite insist that white guilt should push whites to vote for a black (or in Obama’s case half-breeds) in preference to a white no matter the qualifications.

    I have been following the US politics and if it were not for the racist black vote Obama would be so far down in the polls he would be looking up from the depths of a well!

    A year ago, two Democrat operatives predicted Obama would have to run the most negative campaign ever in order to have any chance to get re-elected. They have been proven correct.

    By any objective evaluation, Barrack Obama is a failed President. I only hope a large enough of a majority of voting Americans understand this to the extent that Romney wins the election.

    If somehow, Obama wins re-election, America faces absolute demise, if not invasion and subjugation by another nation, then by being crushed by an alien philosophy, most probably Islamist sharia law.

  3. Adolf Fiinkensein says:

    What REALLY IS disgusting is that Obama lied while his ambassador died.

  4. KG says:

    And he’s arrogantly, utterly unconcerned that we know. I’m no psych, but I reckon he really does believe he’s the Messiah–or the reincarnation of the Sun King.
    I believe this man would rather see America burn than give up power.
    The real test will be in the days immediately following the election, should he lose…..if the left riots, will he go on television and appeal for calm or will he stay silent?

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Nah. It’s much more likely he believes himself the 12th Imam!

      And yes, when Romney is elected in a landslide the O-bots and zombies, union thugs and gang-bangers will vent their impotent rage. Some places will burn, but as long as it’s places like Detroit, Chicago and Los Angeles it will be little more than the US performing a self-cleansing ritual; washing herself clean and trying to erase any last scent of the date-rape perpetrated on her by King Benghazi Barry Hussein Soetero.

  5. Katie says:

    White Guilt is gone. It has been replaced by a revulsion of Black Culture. A culture where women are whores, men just take what they want with little regard for the consequences to themselves or others. A culture where profanity is rampant as is illegitimacy. 75% of ALL black children are born OUT-OF-WEDLOCK without even knowing who their fathers are. Illiteracy is rampant as is Ebonics. And we are suppose to put these uneducated, little bastards in charge of the world? Yeah right.

    Without getting a black vote Romney will be our next President. And I guarantee you that it will be 100 years or a good Black Conservative before we see another Black President.

  6. Darin says:

    Let’s turn this nonsense around on the ones who wrote it.

    Why hasn’t Britain in all it’s racially tolerant glory elected a Black Prime Minister?

  7. HarvardPotatoHead says:

    !!!Did someone say race OMG I love to race!!!In fact yours verily trurily has been racing around most of the day trying to locate my school transcripts because they were misplaced during my transition to BlackBerry’s Chigger Kompound where events are quite quiet but several of the legal illegals are very industriously printing voter ballots, hacking into polls and pole dancing. BlackBerry has assed me to ass you kind folks down there in our 66-67th Steaks a few questions i.e.* Why do melons get married? Cause they canteloupe!hahahahahahomallularulargoddamshit. What did the plow say to the tractor? Pull me a little closer John Deere!! lololololol fruckN what a day it has been for yV.Tlyy!!!My stammer ain’t what it used to be. Something is gonna get accomplished B4 it’s over and it ain’t over till it’s over right??

    But also BlackBerry has assed me to find him an empty suit for 2nite’s premier in the LGBT Lounge he go sing karyoke rap songs for an hour or 2 [two]. Then pop his head out of he ass Then he gonna strip down to his chinese made lead enhanced with radioactive crabs** filled with neutrinos crotchless bikini briefs and do a pole dance that he say will blow yo mind!!!He do it in Southern Nigra lingo on top of all that well it remains to be evolved whether he will use a great big squash for his final finale. Tata gotta beep or two [2] & must answer it could be Diplomatic Pouch on second [2nd] thought don’t think I B @D hacienda. Had a good day 2day evading the rats and whatall see ya pussies, Yours Verily Trulilily HarvardPotatoHead 10-4 over and out good day mates N stick it.

    *insanity elevator
    **now some folks eat crabs and other tries to pick them of they private parts but the bog administraitor say D best method is to lay down, grab a butane lighter or big match, fart real big and ignite the gas which may well singe all the crabs off. one of yV.T’s possible grassmates @ Harvard Law skoolular did that mucho amigos.

  8. Contempt says:

    methinks Harvard is off his meds.

  9. KG says:

    It’s a coded message, Contempt, designed to confuse and buggerize the NSA computers.
    The key arrives by carrier pigeon tonight. :popcorn

  10. The Gantt Guy says:

    Is Harvard ever *on* his meds? Apart from the choom, of course.