‘We Are Those Who Stand for the Day’

From a beautiful post:
‘…We have no grand schemes or manifestos, no glorious visions of caliphates and socialist republics, our vision is of our homes and our stores, our families and our friends, the communities that we have built and the small things that we have done every day of our lives for the sake of all these things. These small things, the little uncounted freedoms and the self-chosen responsibilities are our manifestos, they are our battle cries and they are what we fight for. They are our world and we hold them now in the light of day against the destroyers who would bring against us the fall of night.’          Sultan Knish

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One Response to ‘We Are Those Who Stand for the Day’

  1. Ronbo says:

    I think Sultan’s thesis is the same as mine on this topic – the Leftists and the Islamists are totalitarians and reactionaries who want to destroy Western (World) Civilization and return to the “utopia” of the Dark Ages.

    However, many true patriots in many nations of the world wait for the day when we can return Leftists and Islamists to a state of non-being.