…on BBC or CNN. Found on Twitter’s #Gaza hashtag, the photo below of “Israeli soldiers helping Palestinian kids escape the rockets from Gaza.” Found on the IDF Twitter feed, the video below depicts life in southern Israel under fire of the rockets that have rained down from Gaza: “Over the past 12 years, the residents of southern Israel have suffered over 12,000 rockets fired at them from the Gaza Strip. This is what their life has looked like over the years.” …’ source
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Instead, every report I’ve seen yesterday and this morning carries headlines to the effect that “Israel fires on Gaza”. :rant
And there’s now clear proof that the rockets hitting Jerusalem are Iranian manufactured and supplied.
Obama’s efforts to support the Muslim Brotherhood, in order to build an anti-Israel coalition seem to be bearing fruit……..
KG, Immm do you think there’s possibly a little media bias there? Often the headlines come via Associated Press or Reuters, the liberal proganda machines. During the Israel – Lebanon conflict their bias was really exposed. Have a look at these two links:
In this one the same guy is in every stated photo:
In this one the photos have been clearly photo-shopped
Yep. And the media remains silent, even when caught out in clear lies, Conservative. To them, it doesn’t matter because the photographs and headlines have already done their intended job. *spit*
The Brits have, almost to a man, become indoctrinated by the
PavdaBBC and their Israel hatred. Nothing coming from that soggy island regarding Israel or the Jews has any balance any more.Ah yes, I see Buck O’Fama’s Middle East policy is coming along nicely. Another good place to find some reality, apart from your fine blog KG, is barenakedislam.com
As for the MSM, BBC in particular, :vomit
Regarding Cameron’s comment about Israel doing “everything possible” to end the conflict…perhaps someone should take him at his word and turn Gaza into a parking lot.
Hamas has been lobbing missiles into Israel for yonks…..no comment. Israel gives the terrorists a good old bitch slap….INDIGNATION! Well done media. Sooner or later Israels patience will run out then wait for the mass hatred.
You mean more mass hatred than they’re copping already, Sci Fi?