WordPress update time

So don’t blame the Wabbit if things go sideways. I’m not a WordPress geek, and the people responsible for developing these updates don’t seem to realise that it may be their hobby and passion, but for most users it’s just a tool and we don’t need or want it made more complex. If it’s working, leave the bloody thing alone! Go tinker elsewhere.
UPDATE: Perhaps we won’t be installing WP 3.5 after all–the first comment in the WP forum is from somebody who installed it and now their post editor and plug-ins don’t work. It’s time the developers made up their damn mind whether WP is their hobby or a tool for non-geeks. grrrrr……

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2 Responses to WordPress update time

  1. Darin says:

    You now the software industry is the only one that can get away with building a product and leaving all the testing up to the customers.Nice work if you can et it :popcorn

    These guys could probably build one better :mrgreen: