That was quick–and predictable.

The Conn. school shooting: (via Drudge)
‘Bloomberg: Obama Must Take ‘Immediate Action’ Against Guns…

Boston Mayor: Time For ‘National Policy on Guns’…
There is already a “national policy on guns”. It’s called the Second Amendment.
Perhaps China needs a “national policy” on knives?
‘A knife-wielding man injured 22 children and one adult outside a Chinese primary school, the latest in a series of periodic rampage attacks at schools and kindergartens.’
The Left wants to take the right to keep and bear arms away from Americans for reasons wholly disconnected from the benefits of an armed citizenry in a free society…because a free society, not the right to own weapons, is their true target.”       Francis W. Porretto

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35 Responses to That was quick–and predictable.

  1. I’d like to take immediate action against Mike Bloomberg.

  2. MvL says:

    “There is no more dangerous weapon in the hands of a demagogue than a dead child in a puddle of blood. ”
    Nice quote from David Blount at….

  3. Ronbo says:




  4. Ronbo says:

    Notice in the video that Obama’s eyes are not red and no tears are seen.

    Also, notice just after the three minute mark when Obama says “Americans” he uses the middle finger to remove the imaginary tears -instead of the index finger he had used before….

    In other words, “Fuck you, America!”

    I say the man is a sick fuck and a Communist who would gladly sign off on the murder of children to advance his agenda of stealing our guns. :twisted:

    • john says:

      Hi Ronbo, I also seem to remember a video clip some time ago of Obama rubbing his nose, also with his middle finger. I am right aren’t I?

      • Ronbo says:


        Obama has deployed his famous middle finger of contempt a number of times over the last four years as means of saying what amounts to “fuck you” to a number of targets like Republican politicians; however, this “fuck you” is directed at ALL Americans who oppose him on gun control.

  5. Darin says:

    So it happens again,a truly horrible crime committed by an obviously deranged mind and all the left can do is politicise it,truly disgusting.

    So far we have a single 20y/o with according to neighbors classic signs of mental illness who killed his mother,with legally purchased weapons registered in her name and right now they can’t find his girlfriend.

    Oh and the media did their usual fine job of jumping in an identifing the wrong suspect,again-fuckwits

  6. Findalis says:

    It is not the guns that caused this. In fact the guns belonged to the madman’s mother and not him.

    It is the lack of G-d in our land that did this. The lack of moral values. The lack of right and wrong taught to our children.

    I wonder if this madman would have murdered so many children if he had been taken to church or temple?

    • Darin says:

      Yes,your exactly right.No mention is ever made of the moral depravity pushed on our children.

      Also no mention of pop culture’s culpability either.The levels of senseless violence glorified in the movies and TV has been on the rise for a long time as well.

  7. alwyn says:

    You are not really helping your cause with the comparison to the Chinese case.
    In one case we have 27 people KILLED by gunshots.
    In the other we have 23 people INJURED by a knife.
    It would be very easy to argue that guns kill people whereas if guns were not readily available far fewer people would die.

  8. KG says:

    Sigh…where to begin?
    In the first place, Alwyn, I didn’t quote the Chinese case in order to suggest that it was equal in outcome to the shooting. (and by the way, have you ever seen the kinds of injuries that can be caused by a knife weilded in anger? I have. Don’t be too quick to discount the Chinese incidents).
    “It would be very easy to argue that guns kill people whereas if guns were not readily available far fewer people would die.”
    is utter nonsense.
    I suggest you take the time to look up for yourself the FBI’s figures, published annually, on the number of serious crimes prevented by legally owned firearms.
    Come back when you have the facts.
    I have a very, very short fuse when talking to people who babble on about gun crimes and gun control when they don’t have the facts to back up their emotional responses. (I won’t dignify it by calling it an argument).

  9. KG says:

    Further, if you’re happy to see public policy made on the basis of a few lunatic outriders, you’s better be prepared to give up your car, electricity, knives, blunt objects, medications, chairs, refrigerators and blind cords.
    All these and more have been used as weapons.
    If guns were not readily available, far more people would die at the hands of those who don’t give a shit about the law–because for them, guns will always be available.

  10. KG says:

    To see media slimeballs having a knee-jerk wonderful time with this:
    “World leaders express shock over shooting”
    More children died this year by muslim bombs and guns. I don’t recall a headline saying “world leaders express shock over religious bombings”

  11. KG says:

    I’ll say the unmentionable, since very few people on the side of the Second Amendment are willing to say it.
    We hear (and will hear a lot more in the coming days) about how the right to bear arms ‘isn’t worth the life of one child’. My answer is this:
    Hitler, Mao and Stalin killed millions of children, after first disarming the parents. And future totalitarian governments will do it again. After first disarming the parents. Ask yourselves what price is too high for liberty, by all means. But you’d better have the courage to set that price very, very high indeed.

  12. john says:

    And anyway, what is it with schools,particularly it seems, US ones that these deranged fuckers hang around them like perverts at a public lavatory?

    • mawm says:

      Maybe it is society that has the problems. From what I’ve read so far it sounds as if this guy was a few sandwiches short of a picnic but society, in general, has turned on its men – eg their being vilified at every turn, pushing women ahead of them, poor judgements from the courts especially in allocating custody in marital break ups, ex military being dealt with harshly, etc.

  13. KG says:

    The fault lies not in our tools, but in our societies.
    Societies in which young people glorify violence in video games and believe that somehow it’s the “real thing”, and learn to value fame -however transient and fleeting-at all costs. Where millions are routinely killed before being born and that’s regarded as somehow “normal”. A society where horrific cruelty towards animals by youths looking for kicks goes all but unremarked, even though it’s both comparatively recent on its present scale and a very accurate indicator of sociopathic tendencies.
    The media wallows in every incident, boosting ratings and feeding the perpetrator’s sense of importance then they act surprised at copycat crimes, even as they shed crocodile tears for the victims.
    People who fight tooth and nail for the right of a mother to kill her unborn children, who fight court cases to establish and then preserve that “right”, who fund clinics which are set up for the efficient killing of humans then indulge in displays of conspicuous grief when a fraction of that number are murdered call for gun bans as though the tool itself were somehow responsible for this sickness.
    The real sickness is in the primitive mindset which ascribes almost magical properties to a lump of steel and plastic, instead of looking at the human heart behind the atrocity. Some millions of gun owners did not go out and kill an innocent person yesterday. Or the day before and the day before that–and they never will.
    How many innocent people has the President, the man who wiped away an imaginary tear or two after this latest shooting, killed in drone strikes, killed by funneling guns to Mexico’s murderous drug cartels? Yet he has the barefaced gall to pretend to weep over a fraction of that number on national television.
    Because it suits his agenda.
    I can’t begin to imagine the grief those parents are feeling right now and will continue to feel in the years ahead. But to watch people use this event for their political ends is truly obscene, a kick in the teeth to every one of those parents who lost a child.
    By all means let’s have a debate over gun ownership. But let’s make it an honest one, and not some kind of sick competition to see who can demonstrate the larger grief.

  14. Oswald Bastable says:

    You never seem to hear much about the murders in Africa. What goes on in the US pales into insignificance.

  15. KG says:

    Yep. And,
    Germany, the Winnenden school shooting. 16 killed.
    The Erfurt massacre..16 killed.
    Finland, 2007…8 killed.
    Finland again, 10 killed.
    Dunblane. 16 killed.
    Countries with some of the most restrictive gun laws in the world.
    America is in fact a miracle, a country where so many own guns and there are so few massacres.
    And in Britain, where gun laws were tightened much further after Dunblane, the number of gun murders has increased hugely.

  16. KG says:

    Great link! I like this:
    “And by the way, the 2011 violent crime rate in the US was 386 offenses per 100,000. The UK violent crime rate is over five times higher that that of the United State. And just to be fair, I tossed in 2.2 million American burglaries as the Brits seem to count this as a violent crime. Even so, our crime rate was still half the Brits (1,088 per 100,000).

    How’s that gun ban thing working out for ya?”

  17. GW says:

    To quote William Burroughs, “After a shooting spree, they always want to take the guns away from the people who didn’t do it.”

    Had there been a person at Sandy Hook with a concealed carry permit, could this mass murder have been stopped, in whole or in part? The police response to the tragedy was quick, but when seconds counted, they got there in minutes – in time to take stock of the carnage, not to stop it.

    The truth about mass murder is that the only ones with a high body count occur in areas where the sheep are disarmed by law – so called “gun free zones.” Where the responsible and law abiding are armed or have access to arms, the police generally arrive to find a dead perpetrator along with just a few victims. For example, see the high school shooting by Luke Woodham in Pearl, Miss. and the New Life Church shooting in Colorado Springs, Colo. Both were brought to a swift conclusion by armed citizens.

    We don’t need more gun control, we need laws that insure that responsible, law abiding people have access to guns both in and outside their home. And we need to see some of those institutions promulgating “gun free zones” sued for disarming the very people who could have stopped such senseless violence.

    I don’t think the call for gun control in the U.S. comes from the standpoint of wanting to insure the citizens are unarmed so that they cannot contest the government. I think, at least in the U.S. and most of the anglo world, its that he left does not trust citizens to be armed – and since the leftist intelligentsia lives in a bubble where they actually are protected by people with guns, they don’t see the need for citizens to be armed. It really is a function of nanny statism for them.

    • Ronbo says:


      Good point!

      When is the last time you heard of one of these sick fuck mass murderers attacking a police station?

      Clearly, they know that a “gun free zone” like a school is a safe target rich free fire zone for them.

      Solution: Allow teachers to arm themselves…IN FACT, order as a condition of employment they be trained and armed.

  18. KG says:

    G’day, GW. Good to see you. :grin:
    I don’t disagree with your last paragraph, but I do think the second is used by the first. In other words, some politicians see the attitude of the leftists who don’t see the need for guns (and who are actively hostile towards private ownership of them) as a useful tool in order to disarm the population.
    There’s no doubt at all in my mind that out masters would be far, far more comfortable dealing with an unarmed populace.