‘35,000 Pakistanis have been killed in Muslim terrorist attacks since September 11. The death toll in Syria, Iraq, Libya and Yemen, which mostly consist of Muslim-on-Muslim violence, is swiftly rising through the tens of thousands…’ source
Just as well it’s a religion and not a totalitarian ideology–there’d be some serious violence in that case.
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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
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Muslims doing what they do best,torturing animals and beating old women-
It takes a real man to knock an 87-year old woman to the ground and kick her in the guts till she bleeds from her private parts. It’s like the 14-year old girl who was shot in the head because she wanted to go to school. I read that the guys who did it underwent special training to carry out that mission. “Special training” to take on a bus full of defenceless schoolgirls, armed with nothing but an assault rifle. It takes real guts to that type of thing. A special breed of man. Do they get together and swap war stories about the schoolgirls they’ve shot, or the old ladies they belted up?
Yes, the religion of peace strikes again, and anyone who speaks up about it is branded a racist.
Good, that’s 35 thousand less we have to fight, pay on welfare or take in via boats.
Green “religion of peace” taking over Europe.
And Obamba is crying because of the latest shooting !
Under My Plan Makes Electricity Rates Skyrocket, and little kids will freeze to death. Of Course that’s not cruel thinking of a mass murderer.
It takes a real man to knock an 87-year old woman to the ground and kick her in the guts till she bleeds from her private parts.
It takes a real man to freeze and starve an 87-year old woman because she can’t pay the energy she needs.
[A Gantt Guy Edit]: Chav, if you have a coherent comment to make you can feel free to make it. If you do, I’ll be very surprised as it will be the first time in history a leftist scumbag has ever made a coherent comment.
Other than that, go back to school and brush up on your reading comprehension. Then, come back here and take note of the instructions at the top-right of the page, immediately under the banner.
Until you can comprehend the rules, and unless you can come up with a coherent comment, you are not welcome here. Now, Fuck Off.
Edited since Mr Gnatt did such a fine job :popcorn