Racial attacks

are apparently only carried out by white people. Somali and Afghan youths never do it, Lebanese muslims never do it, Indians never do it.  We know that’s true, because the media never mention it. They certainly never describe attacks by those people as “horror racial attacks”. Even when they involve a damn sight more than a slap in the face.

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17 Responses to Racial attacks

  1. The Gantt Guy says:

    Well, d’uh! Of Course only white people are capable of commiting racial attacks … because only white people can be racist. Even when the attacks are committed by non-whites (i.e. the spate of attacks on Melbourne’s Indian taxi drivers … by gangs of Somali animals), the media and the popular culture will go out of its way to ensure it’s whitey’s fault.

  2. mawm says:

    We need to make it so damn uncomfortable at every turn for all these spongers that they’ll want to go home. It’s the only way to undo the dismantling of our countries by dishonest politicians. :rant

    • KG says:

      We do indeed–but most people seem to lack the balls to treat them as they deserve. The fall over themselves in their haste to establish their multicultural credentials.
      One mustn’t be judgemental, after all……

      • mawm says:

        I try not to be judgemental about all these f**king socialists who think that overt paternalism, the darker the skin the more overt, is how one should treat different races. Smacks of racism to me. :roll:

        I wonder if the Comrade Chav’s realise that these imported spongers are of all races. :shock:

    • Barry says:

      Mawm, I think you are dead right!

    • Barry says:

      Mawm, it’s your 4.08 pm comment that I was saying I think was dead aright

  3. The Gantt Guy says:

    Comrade Chav, the latest in a long line of trolls, fuckwits and leftard morons (apologies for the tautology) is now consigned to the spam bin. Hope it’s really, really hot and smells like dinosaur shit in there, you baboon.

  4. octagongrappler says:

    Diversity Dividend!!! :cheers

  5. octagongrappler says:

    Spoonley said an ethnic majority in Auckland means that the future is bright for NZ!!!! :vomit

  6. octagongrappler says:

    Why do groups of white politicians, Scheme in the caucas rooms. And talking about how they can make themselves a minority??Is this sado? or are they insane!! :censor

    • KG says:

      Grappler, bastards like that always..always do very well financially out of this kind of thing. The building/real estate lobby is totally behind increased immigration, and they don’t give a fuck where from –because increased numbers mean increased demand for housing and other products and politicians make sure their industry cronies will benefit.
      Stalin’s useful idiots are now crony capitalism’s useful idiots.

  7. octagongrappler says:


    They keep saying we need 200,000 net migrants from asian to pay super for the baby boomers!! Well in 20 years will this Asian population be happy paying for it? Will the yield political power at such a level, that its bye bye pension??

  8. KG says:

    What amazes me is that the Maoris are happy enough with Asian immigrants, because they see it as a way to stick it to whitey–yet they seem oblivious to the fact that a large Asian constituency will knock Maori privilege on the head at the first opportunity!