Multiculturalism at work:

Imam issues fatwa against Christmas
IMAM at Australia’s biggest mosque issues a fatwa against Christmas, warning followers it is a ”sin” to even wish people a Merry Christmas.’
A Christmas message for the imam: Merry Christmas, and screw you and the syphilitic goat you rode in on. Now bugger off to from whence you came.

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29 Responses to Multiculturalism at work:

  1. Barry says:

    I think that Australia, as a white western country, should immediately expel all Moslems; then not let any more of them come to live

  2. KG says:

    Well, yes, Mawm. But in this particular case, since islam is not a race, shouldn’t the correct epithet be “culturalist”?

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Nope. Islamophobis. Since a very rational hatred of someone or something that seeks your utter destruction is, of course, now considered an ‘irrational fear’.

      Oh, and Merry Christmas.

    • mawm says:

      As opposed to “white western” :roll:

      GG – I doubt that enough crabs would be able to fit on their microscopic peckers. And a very Merry Christmas to you and the family.

  3. KG says:

    Well, it has to be sober, Gantt because Gecko is working all through Christmas. But we’ll make up for it later…..
    Not that we take much notice of Christmas anyway–no Christmas cards, no huge meals, no gifts. It’s not because we’re anti, just that we’ve both almost always worked it or been travelling.

  4. Alan says:

    It already seems to have conquered you Chav, and you will fall into the
    bottomless pit, filled to the brim with vomit, along with the rest
    of you Stalinists, Maoists and the like.

  5. Sci Fi Guy says:

    Got called a moron on twitter by a bunch of athiests because I really want to wack the next person who says Happy Holidays instead of Merry CHRISTmas. Same thing really. No doubt with Christmas falling on a Tuesday, all the non believers will be going to work as usual….yeah right.

  6. And he’s an Australian; it’s unbelievable, isn’t it? Lefties cannot see past multiculturalism as being anything more than restaurant diversity—different places to eat. They have no idea that multiculturalism promotes factionalism; even when it is staring them in the face, they blindly endorse it. They would prefer to hound out Christianity than face the truth; they would prefer to surrender to Islam than face the truth. God they are a sick bunch!

  7. KG says:

    He’ll never be an Australian, Conservative. These people feel no obligation whatsoever to adopt the culture and mores of their host country. They come as prospective conquerors.
    And lefties support them because they themselves are atheists, full of hatred for the culture and traditions of their own countries.

  8. Darin says:

    It’s the same thing here guys.There was a time here when you were an American Italian,Scott,German,Dutch,Irish,English you name it in identity besides being American.When the fight was on or your neighbor needed help you were just an American.
    Now we are divided,not by our own faults,but by the wedge driven between us by those with nefarious intentions,the class warriors and the race baiters.They will divide you,put you in a group,marginalise you and pit you against your neighbor for their own profit.IMHO they should all be shot.

    I really don’t care what ethnic or religious identity someone wants to hang on to,so long as if they are living and benefiting from America that they are Americans first.

    Same should hold true every where someone calls home.If I were to move to Australia I would still fly the American flag,just below the Australian flag.

    • KG says:

      “If I were to move to Australia I would still fly the American flag,just below the Australian flag.”
      And you would be most welcome to do so, Darin.

    • Darin

      “If I were to move to Australia I would still fly the American flag,just below the Australian flag.”

      Yes, that’s the way it should be, but that’s not how it is today, which raises this question: Why do they say Korean American, for example, and not an American of Korean descent? I have noticed Rubio often uses the latter.

      • Darin says:

        It’s hard to pin down exactly,it first started with the blacks.It began to be accepted to refer to themselves as African-Americans.IIRC this came from early black liberation theology/Malcolm X etc,who framed America as racist,white and evil and basically preached that blacks shouldn’t have any particular allegiance to America.

        Later it was grabbed by the leftist as a whole and applied to all racial and ethnic groups as a means to divide and conquer.
        It’s become common place to a point that people use it not thinking even if they don’t agree with those who founded the idea or those who push the politics.It’s basically a label that liberals approve of,like an epitaph.

        Those of us who value honor and respect such as Rubio state our allegiances clearly,we are Americans first our greater union outweighs our petty problems and gripes.America always has been a melting pot where people from all cultures can find a place if they are willing to simply live and let live.The left hates this and seeks to counter that melting.I take melting pot meaning as in metal melting,the making of alloys,where two or more metals are combined yeilding a metal stronger than it’s elements and burning off the trash in the process.

        I laugh when I hear leftists declare that America needs to be more “diverse” we already are possibly THE most diverse country on the planet and my American Black,Hispanic,Italian,Vietnamese,Lithuanian and Polish neighbors agree.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Ignore what KG says; he’s a redneck rrraaaaacccciiiiiisssssstttt.

      Both the US and Australian flags now qualify as ‘hate speech’ under Australia’s racial vilification laws.

  9. Findalis says:

    I guess that Santa will be leaving this idiot a lump of coal.

  10. Darin says:

    I see Muslim handiwork is meeting with resistance in India-

  11. mistress mara says:

    I am still waiting and watching to see what benefits cultural diversity bring. Liberals talk of vibrancy, colour and the profusion of ethnic eateries, many of which I wouldn’t patronise for fear of eating melamine infused, neighbourhood pets. Other than the vibrancy crap, even the libs falter at any examination of their supposed benefits to the immigration of vastly different cultural norms. Yet we plunge headlong down that black hole and I see no real change in direction.
    Friggin cultural suicide.

  12. Flashman says:

    I see the trans-Tasman islam “spokesmen” have now slammed the lever into “damage control”.

    It’s all sweet.
    We’re lovable.
    And we love you all
    All a big mistake.
    Miscommunication oopsy!
    Nothing to see here.

    • KG says:

      Of course, Flash–it’s their classic tactic. When they obviously move too quickly with the dhimmification process, they take a step backwards and claim the extremist element doesn’t represent islam.
      But of course it does. Islam is extreme by definition.
      And “journalists”, together with the usual multiculti apologists and enablers, are either too ignorant or too dishonest to mention the word hudna.