What standing does Mexico have in a U.S. court?

‘THE Mexican government has urged a US court to stop Arizona from enforcing a minor section of the state’s 2010 immigration law that prohibits the harbouring of illegal immigrants..’
In case after case, U.S. courts found that American citizens had no standing when it came to demanding proof of the authenticity of Obama’s birth certificate. If taxpaying, voting Americans can have “no standing”, how come a foreign government has?

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2 Responses to What standing does Mexico have in a U.S. court?

  1. mawm says:

    Says it all really. http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_sad.gif If it’s not the third world, it’s the ragheads or the UN. We the people are there just to fund their megalomania and their leftist agendas.

  2. EX: It took forever to get our un-justly imprisoned Marine (Hammer) back–
    Why are we in the US so intent on appeasing the mexican gvt.!?
    SO_what is the money flow ?–because- I always ‘follow the $$$$!