‘The Blood-Smeared Glass Ceiling’
‘…Perhaps the worst example is what happened to the Navy after the 1990 “Tailhook Convention” scandal in which naval aviators acted like, well, every fighter pilot who ever lived. They drank too much and did dumb things such as publicly shaving the legs of some too-willing ladies they’d invited. It was a frat party worthy of Animal House, but no worse.
Liberals — led by California’s Babsy Boxer and a few others — raised a media feeding frenzy and the Navy’s pusillanimous leaders caved in to their demands. The result was that the Navy let its standards slip in order to shove women into combat roles. Lt. Kara Hultgreen was pushed through training and certified for combat, the first female naval aviator to reach that qualification. But she was certified despite the fact that her superiors knew she wasn’t ready. Hultgreen was killed when she lost control of her aircraft attempting to land on the USS Abraham Lincoln in 1994. The Navy learned its lesson, and its standards were restored.’
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Yeah, women in combat arms. That ought to be interesting. As the military will be tossing out standards for these women and reducing combat qualifications for their participation in combat, it is the men who will ultimately pay the price for this arrogance. Somehow, I can’t see lil’ Becky spending a month on the front lines dug in like an Alabama tick in combat with the boys. Hell, most women don’t even like war movies.
War is hell on Earth and despite the intentions of the Geneva conventions, ugly things do happen in combat. While women may seek the camaraderie of their fellow soldiers who face death together in combat, they may well find that it will not be worth the price that they will have to pay in order to earn it. Indeed, many may find it impossible to earn.
I have yet to see a woman win a knife fight with a man and if they expect to be infantry, they had damned well better learn how to win such a fight. They will require a killer instinct and the ability to inflict pain, suffering, and death on their adversaries. Training can only get you so far. The rest of a combat soldier is comprised of the combat mindset and a strong desire to win. They must become hunters of men in order to survive and they must be able to stand on their own two feet when cut off from their units behind enemy lines.
If that isn’t enough, there is the matter of the draft. Will the laws be changed to include all girls having to register for selective service when they reach the age of 18? Will they be subject to the same draft that has conscripted our sons for generations? Or will the ladies get a pass as they do on so many other things? Wonder if the President’s daughters will have to register for the draft?
Another thing, since women can now be infantry soldiers and can engage with men in hand to hand combat we need to really re-examine domestic violence laws. After all, it was a fair fight right? Yeah, this isn’t going to end well.
Agree (as a civilian with nothing but respect for anyone who has ever pulled on a uniform and slung a rifle) with everything you just said, William, but I have one question. You said:
“Wonder if the President’s daughters will have to register for the draft?”
King Barry’s Selective Service card is a forgery, so why wouldn’t they follow the same path for the Princesses?
“Training can only get you so far. The rest of a combat soldier is comprised of the combat mindset and a strong desire to win. ”
Absolutely. Training can only hone the “killer ape” impulse in men, and women were almost never the killers. They stayed behind and minded the kids and gathered food while men developed and honed the team tactics necessary to kill their prey.
Evolution cannot be undone by regulations, however well-meaning those regulations are.
“Evolution cannot be undone by regulations…”
Too true KG, but we’re dealing with the liberal/progressive mindset here. Pass a law, issue a pronunciamento and all will automatically fall into place.
This women in combat issue is going to open a huge can of worms, which is precisely the whole point of the exercise. Like the homosexual issue it’s just another lib/prog tactic to destabilise the military. I hate to think where it’s all going to end.
So do I, John. The known failures are mostly ignored by the MSM and there have been plenty of others which never made it to the public’s notice.
I say we form up a new SOG composed of liberal democrat progressive women.
We’ll have Hillary Clinton,Nancy Pelosi,Michelle Obama,Theresa Heinz-Kerry and Diane Feinstein leading the charge into battle.The mere sight and sound of them will cause any enemy to kill themselves