Andrew Bolt:

‘The public defends freedom, the “Human Rights Council” doesn’t
Last week the head of the Human Rights Commission, Gillian Triggs, struggled to nominate anything her commission had done to protect our free speech – now under such attack from the Gillard Government.
In fact, she suggested repeatedly she was more interested in defining the limits of free speech than in defending it. Just one of many examples in her testimony to a Senate committee:
..But, she said regretfully, we had to listen to the public and the public was against this limitation of their rights.
It says something very serious that the public is defending its most basic of human rights against the opposition of the Human Rights Council…’

Another effing academic. Another female Gillard supporter. Another enemy of liberty.

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4 Responses to Andrew Bolt:

  1. mawm says:

    124 grains. That’s all it takes. :mrgreen:

  2. RWT says:

    …we had to listen to the public…

    What a sack of shit!

  3. KG says:

    Aye. Precisely.