On Kiwi homosexual “marriage”

Legislation via sentimentality and media propaganda.
Terry Wallbank has the details.

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23 Responses to On Kiwi homosexual “marriage”

  1. Ronbo says:

    What’s this crap about weird sexuals “not being able to be married?”

    All they have to do is find a queer minister (and there are plenty of those floating around) and have him to say the magic words not found in the Holy Bible – and the two love birds are man and man, woman and woman, dog and man, horse and woman, etc. :mrgreen:

  2. KG says:

    Although plenty of them are too dense or too self-absorbed to see it, this is being driven by people who want to complete the destruction of the institution which is most in the way of the Utopian lefty dream.

    • Ronbo says:


      Yep! We live in the days of a world wide French Revolution where the Jacobins want to completely overthrow the norms of Western Civilization in the name of the “Goddess of Liberty.”

      …and in America, Robespierre has taken the center stage…and says he has the right to kill any American citizen at home or abroad he deems, “An Enemy of The People.”

      …and we both know how this play ends.

      In the next chapter

  3. KG, thanks for the support on this.

    The so-called bullied are now the real bullies.

    I have never seen anything like this in my life; New Zealanders have been completely shafted by this select committee and John Key. 18,000+ submissions have been chucked out and 2000 odd kept which in include drawings and Newspaper articles:


    There was one full-time gay on the committee and one supporting one as well along with Labour Party idiots who submitted the bill. Yes, gays on the committee for gay marriage? It’s like having criminals on a parole board.

    I spent days writing a 40 page submission along with supporting studies only to have it thrown out, but drawings were accepted.
    It appears all gay submissions were accepted and even submissions from non-New Zealand citizens.

    And now polyamory is knocking on our door; a Green activist group in Australia has been formed:


    I will blog on that tomorrow—time permitting

    Thanks Terry

  4. KG says:

    Terry, you’re most welcome. I admire the work you’ve put into this.
    Like most committees these days, this one is a sham carefully designed to produce the required outcome.
    Either people in NZ wake up, or their country will be the property of special-interest zealots and “progressives”.
    Perhaps it already is.

    • mawm says:

      There is an election coming. Lets see if those who believe in conservative values will leave National. I predict a Labour/watermelons/Winston government. Key deserves everything he gets come election time. I wonder if he’ll beat Blingish’s 28%. :roll:

      • mawm says:

        Sorry – left out the Browns. :mrgreen:

        • KG says:

          A good thing to leave out, imho. :lol:
          I reckon voters of a conservative bent will abandon Key in droves if they’re presented with a halfway credible alternative.
          More likely though they’ll just stay home in protest.

  5. KG says:

    This is a thing of shame and a huge scandal and the media is silent, because they’ve been pushing it.
    Bastards. Unspeakable filth.

  6. Octagongrappler says:

    What is the position of trisexuals and bi-sexual donkeys?? :mrgreen:

  7. mistress mara says:

    There have been no mass protests for gay marriage, no uprisings, no protests outside parliament(that I noticed) yet here it is, centre stage in political debate being pushed by politicians of all stripes as “the right thing to do” and an historic leap foreward for humankind. Most Kiwis really don’t give a shit or at least wonder why there is such a rush to action.
    Deduction …. gays marrying is not, of itself, a concept worth shit; Rather it is an entitely invented concern. contd..

    • Ronbo says:


      Amazing how well the tiny minority International Left has gamed the democratic systems all over the world to spread their vile filth.

      • Mara, I have pushed the idea of protests to the main opposition (Family First) to gay marriage who have more than 30,000 people on their mailing list, and I get a luke warm response, so I am really confused about that myself.

        Writing letters to MPs simply doesn’t cut it–you have to shout at them!

  8. mistress mara says:

    …. by government … conjured out of thin air(and a few dozen queer activists) , which wants to demonstrate loudly and proudly that it is modern and liberal. I have nothing but disgust for the politicians here as they make gay marriage a moral marker of our times, a badge of decency etc that all “right minded” folks must adopt.
    I despair that the silent majority cannot see through this bollocks . :evil:

  9. KG says:

    “I despair that the silent majority cannot see through this bollocks ”
    Me too.
    There are some who can, of course, but consider it all too hard, “just politics” and besides, there’s nothing they can do about it.
    Ignorance. Indifference. Apathy. Cowardice. All play a part.

  10. Darin says:

    Same as it is here gays makeup less than 2% of the population,but have 98% of the media pushing their agenda.When it comes to gay activism you just can’t buy better advertising.
    I just dumped my Netflix account Sunday.For the past year they have added almost no new movies.They did add loads of LGBT stuff though even though no one watches.

    • KG says:

      And I’m damn tired of hearing how “gay tourism” is going to become a lucrative new market and resorts should cater to them. :evil:

      • Ronbo says:


        BTW, what’s so “gay” about the homosexual lifestyle?

        I’d say drug addiction, perverted and painful sexual habits, AIDS, and violence makes “gay life” short, nasty and brutal.

        • KG says:

          Just so, Terry. I refuse to contort the word to fit their preferred usage.
          “control the language, control the debate”

  11. George Romero says:

    Good on Terry , his opinion and research on this pathetic farce is a breath of fresh air from the fag loving msm, and what passes for the National party nowadays,Key and co just can’t lift their eyes above the waistline can they?It’s all quite creepy imho

  12. KG says:

    “It’s all quite creepy imho”
    In mine too, George. I’ve nothing whatsoever against homosexuals, I just draw the line when the militant ones want to shape society to fit their preferences.

  13. mistress mara says:

    About 5% of people are homosexual’ give or take. About 1% of them want to get married. I live in Ponsonby, the gay capital of NZ so I know what is happening. I know what they think… not much is secret after a few strong ones and none of them I speak to wants to get married. They are laughing.