The long tentacles of the bureauslime:

‘A man who has dedicated nearly 30 years to building and living off of his 500-acre farm is facing having his entire way of life shut down by the state government.
Eustace Conway, 51, who has been called ‘The Last Great American Man’ for his rustic way of living, could lose his camp in the Appalachian Mountains, his home for the past three decades.
The Watauga County Planning Department in North Carolina has found several health and sanitary violations in his encampment and has threatened to condemn the buildings…’

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4 Responses to The long tentacles of the bureauslime:

  1. Cadwallader says:

    Mmmh, I may be being uncharitable but he does seem to be a bit of a clapped out old hippie. He’d be better to tell the clipboard Hitlers to piss-off. Why doesn’t he?

    • KG says:

      Clapped-out old hippie or not, he’s living on land he owns and being harassed by shiny-arses who’ve probably never produced a damn thing in their miserable lives.
      In a contest between a working hippie and a parasite, I’ll side with the hippie. :smile:

  2. old abba says:

    I just thought up the world ‘bureauslime’ to apply to the language bureacrats and petty officials the world over use against us and I googled it on a whim – and found this.

    So looks like the word is already in use. Excellent.

    I followed the link and read up about the guy. Last great American. It’s really pathetic, isn’t it? But frightening and shocking, too. Humans are literally against the law now. You are no longer allowed to be human.

    Can’t these bureaslimes see that they’re killing humanity – and that includes them and their children?

    You know where it’ll finish up if it doesn’t all implode and die? It’ll finish up with everyone living regimented lives in antiseptic artificial ‘cities’ (like spaceships, maybe, that’ve been mooted for space voyages taking years, even generations..) where absolutely everything is artificial and controlled to the nth degree – all the food, all the sunlight, all the air, all the everything.

    And worse, we can see now with the growth of medicine and the growth of the computer that more and more people will become part machine, part human and this will doubtless spread, doubtless. When a rich old fart gets the option to have his brain transplanted into a machine and live on….. he’ll take it rather than die…. after all, a paradise of sensations will be able to be dialled up for him at whim, at will…

    Humanity is ripe for it, almost made for it… look how happy many are to be truck drivers, say…. that’s almost a machine… just drive, drive, drive…. with a computer telling you where to drive to etc… cab drivers…. who else? bound to be more….

    People want simple repetitive tasks. And they want status and power and safety such a being a minor bureaucrat….

    Truly. It’s coming. We know it’s coming because it’s already here, we can find examples here and there and everywhere…. What’s coming is more of it until there’s nothing else…

    Please tell me it isn’t so… and give me some proof…