No consequences, no responsiblity

SCCZEN_AG_250312SPLPARTY5_460x230breeds assholes:
‘Drunk university students who set couches alight after being turfed out of parties are blaming police for inflaming tensions…’

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6 Responses to No consequences, no responsiblity

  1. Cadwallader says:

    This “blame the police tack” is pervasive in the msm. If you ever read where an idiot driver kills his/herself it is due to a “police chase” despite the fact the cops have called it off kms back down the road. It is never to do with the idiot wrapping his car around a pole or careering it into a ditch. Darwin calls but blame the law enforcers. FFS!

    • KG says:

      The one word you will never see the MSM use when talking about the supposed victim is “responsibility”.

  2. Darin says:

    Dam,bit disappointed,here I was expecting Kiwi Girls Gone Wild.Burning furniture and getting drunk?Those kids have no imagination,or it’s all been done before and they ran out of ideas.

    But what can we really expect from a group who by and large don’t pay their own way through college,will probably flunk out most of their courses and still get degree’s because mommy and daddy will sue the school if their little darling doesn’t get a degree and a mortar board.College these days is nothing more than academic special olympics,everybody is a winner.

  3. KG says:

    What else to expect from fuckwits doing degrees in “media studies” and “sustainable development” and even–God help us–tourism!

  4. Ronbo says:

    This proves the Ronbo theory that the spirit of rebellion is alive and well in all the Anglosphere countries (Okay, granted this one was for a terrible cause, a bunch of teeny kids pissed at the cops for telling them that the party is over) but can you imagine what patriots like us could do with a street full of mature people worked up to anger by an orator and enraged at the government?

    This would be like having a loaded rifle pointed at the Regime and pulling the trigger!

    The Left has long used this type of revolution, why not the Right?

    The Tea Party Movement has proved we can turn out the crowd with the right message at the right time with the right speakers.

  5. KG says:

    Of course, here in Oz, we import most of our idiots and their problems..

    Never happened before we were “enriched”. :evil: