and a tale of self-righteous, stupid viciousness justly rewarded.
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I think most women understand that while they’re at the stage of having children that it’s not the best for an employer. It’s really not good for them or their children either.
Like with the gay lobby, there’s just a very vocal and shrill minority that likes to carry on like a bunch of angry cats. It wouldn’t surprise me either if a lot of these ones never actually were ‘oppressed’ or discriminated against. They don’t want equality, they want superiority.
The women i know who have been abused and whatever by the ‘male’ have never carried on like some of these feminists because they know what real oppression is like.
All the modern “ism” words are stupid, propaganda intended bollocks and that includes feminism. Intelligent people of both genders know this. O wait … silly me, I have just been informed there are actually 5 different genders, and that to acknowledge only 2 is sexism.
Reminds me of the time one of the local shipyards hired in two female welders.One got along fine,no problems from her,she really needed the job and did the work to her fullest.
The other one almost instantly started complaining about the girlie calendars in the break room,then the foul language,then somebody supposedly grabbed her rump(I saw her rump and don’t believe it)and it was one thing after another for a couple weeks until she was fired.
Then she asked her foreman why she was fired.Simple he said,”you’ve been here three weeks and your Helmet has no scratches and burns,nor do your leathers and your boot toe caps aren’t scuffed,that means you haven’t hit a lick at welding which is what you were hired to do”
Your story about the feminazi welder leads me to believe she took the job and immediately yelled, “discrimination” in order to file a law suit/civil rights charge.
I recall back in the late 1970s, two lesbians – back to the hilt by the New York Times editors – joined the U.S. Army with the express purpose of filing law suits/civil rights violations during the full flood of the feminazi movement.
Of course, in those days, a more rational U.S. Army gave them both the bum’s rush to the door in about the time it took their C.O. to type up and sign their Dishonorable Discharge papers – and that was that – until Obama.
Remember Ron the big leap forward in diversity the Navy made after the Tailhook scandal(which really wasn’t a scandal)?
Right after that under pressure to save face from the Pentagon the Navy fast tracked the first female Carrier pilots into active duty.They won,women won according to the feminists.But the actual women didn’t,IIRC six out of the first nine died in accidents.Like a lot of “victories” the left claims a trail of blood usually follows.
Take a look at this:
Yep! Leftist political agenda on display by a feminazi. This was all pre-planned.
“However the developer seems to have no regrets about the events that led to her firing. She there was “good to be found” from the situation, and that “Debate and recrimination can and must give way to dialog that explores the root causes of these issues in the tech industry.”
Whaaat?Sorry honey,this ain’t the public school system or the Federal government.Out here in the real world you will find that businesses are dictatorships and not democracies.
Out here everything is about value,the product you produce and it’s value to your employer.The minute your value drops,and it did, your out,pull the trigger,drop the blade and watch the rolling head-spit.