Daniel Greenfield:

‘…Terrorism is a function of immigration. Terrorists do not come to this country on parachutes or sneak in by boat. For the most part they arrive here legally. They come through a door that our government opened and keeps open as widely as it can because its allied institutions profit from the traffic. It is more important for the government to keep colleges in the Middle East student business and to keep Democrats in the new minorities business than it is to refuse to allow this country to be terrorized…’            HERE

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6 Responses to Daniel Greenfield:

  1. Ronbo says:

    Indeed, the West World has a dangerous 5th column of Islamic traitors living everywhere…millions…LITERALLY MILLIONS…of dangerous ticking time bombs that go off from time to time.

    The only solution is mass deportation of all Muslims back to their countries of origin and let them live under the terror of our weapons of mass destruction :!: :evil:

    Yes, fight terror with terror…war with war…THE BASTARDS WANT WAR AND DESTRUCTION SO GIVE THEM HELL ON EARTH! and kill Muslims overseas in mass with the nuclear destruction of their flea bitten religion starting with Mecca and Medina.

  2. Flashman says:

    There’s no question that holding up the door to dodgy foreign students from high-risk parts of the world who seek to either go underground in their host country or tick a permanent residence visa box by acquiring some mickey mouse qualification are a social and criminal danger.

    • Ronbo says:


      It would appear the only people being stopped by the immigration of any country are WASPs like myself. :evil:

      I was recently denied entry to Canada at Vancouver, British Columbia because in the words the Canuck border guard, “We don’t like the smell of your dossier!”

      While this little conversation was going on, the third world trash was flying past the checkpoint and into Canada with hardly a glance and no luggage checks.

  3. KG says:

    A good question, from American Thinker:
    ‘With the gun control debate and Sandy Hook aftermath as a model, will the Boston Bombing victims and survivor’s families be given a similar opportunity to publicly weigh in with similar moral authority as victims of the nation’s failed immigration system and its refusal to “profile”…’

  4. KG says:

    Fox news:
    ‘Does Boston attack make case for more security cameras?’

    That’s right, more surveillance and intrusion into the lives of law-abiding people. Anything but face and fight the source of terrorism…….