Open house

Wabbits need sleep.

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51 Responses to Open house

  1. Ronbo says:

    Silly Wabbit:

    It’s the morning of 25 April 2013 at o535 hours Pacific coast time in the Seattle Soviet, where the Leftist reactionary opposition has no idea that an American Revolutionist, writer and card carrying member-for-life of the NRA lives only a few blocks south of the infamous Commie HQ at City Hall.

    (“Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.” – The Godfather)

    Did I tell you folks about the $72 million”Big Glass House” the Leftist traitor forces occupy in the Northwest to plot their evil deeds funded by the hardworking taxpayers?

    Heh, heh :!: :mrgreen:

    …and they say people in glass houses shouldn’t throw rocks :!:

  2. Ronbo says:

    Glenn Beck blew the whistle…and no cops came running :!: :evil:

    The Lamestream Media’s propaganda line for Beck’s grand slam with more then 12 high level sources and documents to prove TREASON by President Obama?

    “It’s a conspiracy theory”

  3. Darin says:

    Ann Coulter-“It’s legal immigration too”

  4. Michael in Nelson says:

    One of the reasons why I love Madusa……

    She listens to me rant and say very rude things about leftist idiots and only says “They’re worse than that!”

  5. sbk says:

    Once and while i see it,but on the whole…Pride in our UK/European cultures seems to be a relic of a pass…Pride in what has been achieved/sacrificed is now something for left wing apolegists to shake their fingers at,something to accuse and shame,even it entails no racist view,apart from sad imaginings of some third rate leftwing Journo…

    lets start printing Tshirts…”Celtic Pride”….Join a society(Irish club etc)…and as I told my niece,dont worry about if you cant afford to have kids..FFS..just have them…the GOVERNMENT IS BEING NICE NOW…no guarantee it will be in the future,especially if you have become the new minority and the “new majority” dont wont to pay…paying for all you old White folk to retire…haha…

    come on people dont let these arseholes(apolegists) win….let us take back our historical culture and hence our pride…..and give the real racists a big fuckyou.

  6. Darin says:

    Quote of the day-
    “If a cluttered desk is the sign of a cluttered mind,then what is an empty desk a sign of?”

    • Ronbo says:



      The productive German, English, Scot, and Irish immigrants are a thing of the past….

  7. Darin says:

    The Koenigsegg explained :cool:

    • KG says:

      mmmmmmm….sandwich composites, vac-bagging…….wabbit was doing that stuff 20 years ago. Not for cars, though.
      Great video, Darin.

      • Darin says:

        I am admirer of the owner,about my age,self made and a dam good engineer.1250hp out of a 5.0l,unreal.

        The new camless valve system they are developing will mean more hp on less fuel and a v-8 that tops 15,000rpm :shock:

  8. Darin says:

    Gun porn!

    Archangel polymer stock for Mosin-Nagant 91/30’s……….and they made it to take a detachable mag!Mag fed 7.62x54r goodness!

    The loud pop you may have heard just now was my charge card breaking the sound barrier coming out my wallet :cool:

    • KG says:

      Hmmm…very cool, but I dunno about the stock, though–you expecting your body shape to change drastically in the next six months, or something?

      • Darin says:

        It’s a bit longer than the Russian stocks,about 1-1/2″.The Russians made them short to compensate for the thick wool coats they wore.

        I am actually mainly interested in how they got a mag to work on a gun that originally had a five round floor plate mag.Good bye stripper clips.

  9. mistress mara says:

    Darin, are stripper clips the defoliation that strippers undergo , err., “down-under” , so as not to appear woolley when they take their knickers off and climb up and down poles? I gather also that 5 pound floor plate magazine is filthy and pornograpic and denigrating of wyminhood. Tsk, tsk …

    • KG says:

      I knew there was a sexual dimension to our love of guns. Thanks for clarifying that, Mara.

    • mawm says:

      Ivan arrives in London and decides to engage the services of a lady of the night. As she slowly removes her clothing Ivan is distressed to see that she has hairless armpits.

      “Ver is da vool! Ver I come from ze vomen haf vool der.” She gives him an insipid glance and continues to disrobe. She removes her stockings and again Ivan is distressed.

      “Ver is da vool! Ver I come from ze vomen haf vool der.” With a shrug of her shoulders she removes her nickers.

      Ivan can barely contain his dismay. “Ver is da vool! Ver I come from ze vomen haf vool der.”

      The “lady’ has had enough and replies. “Listen mister, do you want to knit or do you want to f*@#!”

      :oops: I guess I’ll not be going to any of Mara’s BBQ’s.

    • Darin says:

      Well Mara your right,yes it’s all about sex and “shooting”. Multiple times in rapid fire,all night in fact.Why I can “shoot” all night and well into the next day because I got plenty of “ammunition”.Whenever I go to the “range” all the ladies are impressed by the size of my “weapon”. :mrgreen:

  10. KG says:

    You’ll also be pleased to know that early this morning I went for a shoot, had a bloody optical migraine and missed a running pig by a country mile….
    Pigs 1, Wabbit 0.

  11. KG says:

    Tim Blair:
    “Public intellectual” seems a needlessly complicated term. Isn’t “intellectual” already enough of a slur without “public” adding the suggestion of filthy municipal toilets and inefficient mass transport?

  12. mistress mara says:

    KG, welcome ;-)

  13. Ronbo says:

    “You’ll also be pleased to know that early this morning I went for a shoot, had a bloody optical migraine and missed a running pig by a country mile….
    Pigs 1, Wabbit 0.”

    SAY IT’S NOT SO :!:

    “Oh, somewhere in this favored land the sun is shining bright;
    The band is playing somewhere, and somewhere hearts are light,
    And somewhere men are laughing, and somewhere children shout;
    But there is no joy in Mudville – mighty Casey has struck out.” :mrgreen:

  14. Ronbo says:

    Maybe Putin has a point:–business.html

    If you allow try to follow the rules of representative democracy, the Left the will use the rules to destroy you.

    The Putin solution?

    • Ronbo says:

      Darin said:

      “This could be trouble Ron,I see they are up to five people now.”

      But unfortunately those five Commies are:

      The president, vice president, Secretary of State, Senate Majority Leader and George Soros. :shock:

      • Darin says:

        Speaking of the Hilldabat,I was thinking the otherday,what if Hillary decides to roll over on Obama over Bengahzi in an attempt to shore up her chances for 2016?Suppose she turns on and outs him to polish her own reputation.

        I wonder if it would succeed or if she would have another slip and fall “accident” or a “Vince Foster”?

  15. HarvardPotatoHead says:

    !!!ArugulaR!!!BlackBerry has axd yours very truly 2 announce the preview of a trendy Sundance film delineatingNdecipherN his life as it were. The title is “Popgun” featuring BlackBerry’s exploits flying a 1/10th radio controlled model F22 while popping his gun in tune with his bubblegum while having his “Popgun” massaged by a blue eyed blond caucasian high on luvDrugZ. YVT is tellin’ ya this pic is a superhit!!! Viewing will be Saturday afternoon N D 8Ball siesta Cantina Bar and Grill. Complimentary margaritas in the FookMioSeestar Private JuareZ Lounge N D back Alley neaar the Israeli Exit adjacent to the aborted Fetus LateNite Bar & Dump. Bring your own rubbers so as 2 not get your feet messed up.

    It is Friday afternoon on the United Steaks of Americca East Coast Daylight Savings Time and it’s springtime and the living is easy. Please pick yvt up @D Israelie exit NOWNOWNOWOOPs here come Diplomatic pouch mad about something again 10-4 aaaiiiieeeeaaaaplsdoanwhupme!!!!

    Two jokes*

    *BB axd me to note 4U that these B jokes for our 56-57th Steaks: @ our Norfolk** Naval Base – We don’t smoke, we don’t chew, we don’t go with girls dat do – Norfolk!!

    Nex joke, a Black college in South Calina is Benedict U. Thye B cheer @sporting events: Break a arm, Break a leg, Benedict!!oldjokehahahahahah

    **note in the US Norfolk is pronounced Nor-fuck. hahahahahah

  16. Contempt says:

    :shock: Well I did not need to visit this blog and see that idiot commenting.

    • KG says:

      And what a damn fine piece of writing that is, Darin.
      “..But there was one last classy move not many saw. The program nearly over, Sgt. 1st Class Alvy R. Powell Jr. came to the side of the stage to perform the “Star Spangled Banner.” A big, powerful black man, Mr. Powell belted out the anthem. With the crowd applauding, the sergeant moved along the line of people, shaking hands with all. After greeting W, he turned to go. But the 43rd president put his hand on the sergeant’s arm and said, “Stay,” just as a chaplain stepped forward to give a benediction.

      So the final tableau of the day: Five presidents, five first ladies, heads bowed in prayer. And Sgt. 1st Class Alvy R. Powell Jr. No one, really, just the man a president asked to “stay.”….’

      How I miss the United States being led by somebody with principles, and a couple with class and grace in the WH.

      • Darin says:

        Yup,he wasn’t perfect,none of them ever are,but I never doubted for a minute that he loves this country.

        There are endless stories of how the Bushes dealt with people in a personal manner and always with respect,you can tell a lot about a person by how they treat those under their employ.

        • Ronbo says:


          GWB was always for the troops…and the troops loved him :!:

          A damn same he was a RINO and didn’t crush the Left – and he could have easily done that after 9/11 when he had 90% approval ratings.

          A President Ronbo would have NEVER missed a chance to destroy the more dangerous enemy to the Republic :!: :evil:

  17. mistress mara says:

    Condi Rice; “We are at war, and the security of our nation depends on winning that war.”
    Mrs Clinton; “What difference does it make now.”
    Give Obama credit for being truthful when he said he would have a weak, kowtowing, arse-up foreign policy towards our brothers of the religion of peace. The old maxim, you get the Govt you deserve, seems more true than ever in America and its capitulation has to be a global worry.

  18. mistress mara says:

    Eion Scrarrow dead. Hardly any one else here will understand your comment. But I do. RIP.

    • KG says:

      Well, I do, Mara, but my reaction is what? The death of a TV personality hardly registers on the radar.

    • KG says:

      He’s looking better by the day. Not merely because any alternative to Gillard is preferable, but as somebody far more in tune with what Australians are, away from the shouty urban latte scum.

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        If what I saw and heard in Tijuana Melbourne before I left is anything to go by, the destruction of the VIC economy by the Brumby state gummint, and the Rudd-Gillard federal one, has at least some of the shouty urban latte scum re-evaluating their life choices in the fact of having to mix with the unwashed and undocumented in the dole queue.

        Funny how people are forced at some point to realise that choices have consequences, innit?

  19. The Gantt Guy says:

    It has begun. The political establishment and their media lapdogs are terrified of UKIP, and with elections looming it is now incredibly important to destroy both UKIP and Farage.

    • KG says:

      Well, of course. It’s undeniable (by all except braindead leftard scum) that the MSM and the left form a single, unified front against anything resembling liberty and individual responsibility.
      Collectivism and authoritarianism suit the apathetic sheeple just fine and while the old saw that “people get the government they deserve” is enjoying something of a comeback, the truth is that all the people end up getting the government the sheeple deserve.
      Idiots, lazy assholes and dishonest scammers are now the majority, and the majority rules.

  20. KG says:

    I was talking to a typical lefty (“the BBC is the most reliable, least biased news outlet”) woman recently, and when I mentioned Farage, she shot back with “that lunatic!”
    Thus demonstrating that she clings to an ideology she knows fuck all about, is determined to cling to it and no amount of reason or facts will sway her.
    A middle-manager bureaucrat, invincibly ignorant and armed with the certainties of the uninformed. Because that position is emotionally satisfying for her and requires no effort on her part.
    And there’s a hell of a lot more like her.