Deeply, deeply disgusting

From the Brit Daily Mail:
‘Two faces of Britain: In Woolwich, hundreds of people remember soldier Lee Rigby at the scene of his horrific murder. Just 10 miles away, beer-swigging EDL hijack his death with an ugly protest
Hundreds today used their Bank Holiday Monday to pay tribute to murdered soldier Lee Rigby by laying yet more flowers, balloons and hand-written notes at the spot where he died in Woolwich.
Many sobbed as they came to see the stream of tributes that now runs the whole length of the street where the 25 year old Drummer was executed as he walked to his barracks last Wednesday.
Meanwhile 10 miles across London more than 1,000 English Defence League supporters waved placards that read ‘Blood on your hands’ and ‘GB RIP’, as well as singing ‘There’s Only One Lee Rigby’, and some anti-Muslim songs as they marched in his memory….’
So, according to this gutless, dhimmi cretin, the proper response to the murder of a soldier on their own streets by a primitive muslim asshole is flowers and teddy bears laid at the scene of the atrocity. The entirely proper anger of the EDL is an “ugly protest”.
I’m sick and fucking tired of conspicuous displays of sentimentality where anger more properly belongs–what somebody called the “Dianafication of grief”. I guess when a nation has collectively lost it’s balls, sickening empty sentiment is all they have left. *spit*

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18 Responses to Deeply, deeply disgusting

  1. Why am I not surprised that the news would demonize the EDL. Did you happen to notice the ethnicity of the “Anti-Fascism” protestors? I will bet you dollars to doughnuts that they are also Muslims. This is why I say that Western Europe is a lost cause. I have lurked on the EDL boards and if they are fascist, it is a fascism never seen before. The left in the States has no problem standing on the graves of the dead to make a political point. Looks like that is one lesson the international news has learned from us.

    As you correctly point out, there is no anger at that young man’s death. There should be. There should be a wellspring of anger directed not at the Muslims, but at the politicians who created the situation in the first place. There should be anger at the government for fostering an atmosphere that allows Jihad to flourish in Britain. Like us, it would appear that their greatest generation is behind them and only mediocrity remains as they slide toward chaos and anarchy.

    • KG says:

      “Like us, it would appear that their greatest generation is behind them and only mediocrity remains as they slide toward chaos and anarchy.”
      The peace that generation paid such a terrible price for has allowed generations of battery hens to live in a safety they take for granted, William.
      They think the benefits of peace are a natural state of affairs, when in fact they are always temporary. The wolf is still the wolf, and cares nothing for well-meaning gestures when it sees the offered throat.

  2. RWT says:

    We’d probably do the same thing. Remember that woman in melbourne abducted, raped and strangled? There were lots of flowers and tributes which i’m not against, but through the entire thing not one person said – perhaps we ought to let women carry weapons to defend themselves.

    Anyone in the UK calling for off duty soldiers to be allowed to carry the weapons their stalkers seem loaded up on, sorry chaps, best we can do is flowers and bears after your corpse is plastered across youtube.

    Yes, there is a time to mourn and pay respects, but there is also a time to exact justice, to rain fire and pestilence upon those responsible. The last bit is where the modern west falls terribly short, i suppose it all started when westerners handed their guns and speech over, accepting that we’re too weak and stupid to look after ourselves. We just want to talk and waffle on now, nothing after that.

    I read a few articles of a few mosques being set on fire and muslims being told to @#$% off yesterday and thought, perhaps there is hope the Brits were waking up, sadly this post and other articles say otherwise. If the best they can muster is flowers and waffling about their feelings on the couch and reassuring muslims that the nationalists will be @$#$#ed over, then they deserve to be ruled by islam. It’s almost as if they want to submit.

    Meanwhile out in the real world the message is clear, you can kill a british infidel in broad daylight in the main street, no one has the balls to stop you and if you’re eventually caught, you’ll be sent to their hospitals and jails for free everything forever. They won’t fight you, they’ll only fight those amongst them who refuse to submit.

    My only hope is that when the excitable youth (the buddhists i mean) decide it’s time to lop off an infidels head, it’s that of one of these leftie politicians, journalists or elitists. If anyone deserves it, those scumbags do.

  3. KG says:

    “..Yes, there is a time to mourn and pay respects, but there is also a time to exact justice, to rain fire and pestilence upon those responsible.”
    Exactly. And Westerners have forgotten how, or are simply too conditioned and cowed to do so.

  4. MvL says:

    Aggressive, beer-swilling, chanting, criminal, inflammatory, marching, hurling, pushing, ugly, violent, snarling, thugs, threats, far-right, troublemakers.

    Are these the words the Mail chooses to describe the vicious cowardly murder committed in broad daylight on an innocent man by Islamic thugs?
    Nope :evil:
    This is how they describe the only group that eschews flowers, balloons and fluffy teddy bears, and attempts a meaningful protest against it.
    Not only the Mail, but other feel-good organisations join in.
    “Faith Matters, a charity working to defuse religious tensions, said it had registered a spike in reports of Islamophobic attacks in calls to its hotline, describing incidents as “very focused, very aggressive attacks”.
    And the murder was not a very focused, very aggressive attack? :evil:

    • KG says:

      This is what abject surrender looks like, MvL. Reading it makes me feel like scrubbing myself clean under a disinfectant shower.

    • D.T. says:

      “Faith Matters, a charity working to defuse religious tensions, said it had registered a spike in reports of Islamophobic attacks in calls to its hotline” , but how many of these calls are fairdinkum? How many are false ?Have they never hear of taquiyya,kitman & dawa ?

  5. mistress mara says:

    KG, if you feel the need of a disinfecting shower now, how are you (and I) going to feel when the butchering scum get Britain’s most senior barristers telling us that it’s really OUR fault for allowing these nice boys to feel so alienated and disempowered by our cruel discrimination against the religion of perpetual peace? I’ll be gagging. :evil:

  6. Darin says:

    “My only hope is that when the excitable youth (the buddhists i mean) decide it’s time to lop off an infidels head, it’s that of one of these leftie politicians, journalists or elitists. If anyone deserves it, those scumbags do.”-

    Not going to happen,those groups afford themselves very good security on our dime while leaving us exposed.We are the new “soft targets”in this war.

    They won’t touch the islamists,not for any PC reasons or concern for them practicing their faith etc,etc,bullshit.No make no mistake,the islamists are a tool and one the leftist,statist progs are using to strip away our rights.

    It’s our right to privacy that is being destroyed.It’s our freedom of speech that’s being taken away.It’s our right to self defense that is being taken away.It is our phone calls and e-mails that are being monitored and it’s our groups formed in response that are being targeted.

    It’s crystal clear what’s going on here and it’s going to get worse before it gets better.

  7. KG says:

    There are some promising signs:
    …About 1000 members of the English Defence League (EDL) staged a protest near Mr Cameron’s Downing Street office on Monday, waving red and white England flags and banners saying “no surrender”.
    …..The crowd, about half the number who attended a protest in the northern city of Newcastle on Saturday…
    …An Islamic cultural centre in Grimsby in northeast England was hit by petrol bombs on Sunday night, resulting in two arrests, although police said it was “too early to speculate” on why the fire was started.
    …Eleven teenagers aged 16 or 17 were arrested for attacking the same mosque and parked cars on Thursday after a party, police said.

  8. Odayu-sen says:

    The BBC seem to be (unwittingly?) portraying the EDL and the anti-fascists as being quite different in their approaches.

    On BBC radio this morning, the newscaster referred to the “ultra-right-wing EDL” and their protests. The EDL man in the sound bite sounded like a reasonable, calm, blue-collar sort who voiced his concern over freedom and other stuff.

    The newscaster then talked about the “anti-fascist” protesters. The sound bite sounded like a younger version of Hitler screaming in English through a megaphone. Frightening!

    I know which side who got my subliminal vote for being the more credible and trustworthy.

    • Ronbo says:


      Never, never.—Come, away, away!
      We’ll burn his body in the holy place,
      And with the brands fire the traitors’ houses.
      Take up the body.

          Go fetch fire.

      Pluck down benches.

      Pluck down forms, windows, anything.

      Exeunt PLEBEIANS with CAESAR’s body

      Citizens exit with CAESAR’s body.


      Now let it work. Mischief, thou art afoot.
      Take thou what course thou wilt!

    • KG says:

      The “anti-fascists” who oppose the EDL are, in fact, fascist to the core.
      That the Brit press persists in describing them (and letting them get away with their own description) as “anti fascist” speaks volumes about the media.

  9. George Romero says:

    The filth of the British MSM is gut churning , i hate them , most times i can’t even read an article, that can send my blood boiling.Beer swilling EDL? , i bet that walking bag of pus journo who wrote that, and it’s mates, headed for the nearest pub for a ‘Pint’ celebrating their hard days work traitorous to patriotic English people.