pig hunt, this morning

pig2one of eight pigs.

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8 Responses to pig hunt, this morning

  1. Ronbo says:

    A gift for the nearest Mosque? :mrgreen:

  2. KG says:

    :idea: What a fine idea. But the nearest mosque is at least 500km away. :sad:
    It took a bit of getting used to, using a caliber that shoots so flat. The place we went is infested with pigs, so there’ll be lots of opportunity to practice.
    Dingos too, but I won’t shoot them.

    • dondiego says:

      Shooting a dingo was the highlight of my cowboy stint ( :!: ). That was after we’d baited, which killed two that I saw.
      Actually, bagging a good sized pig with this blokes lever-action Winchester old west styles was about even…

      Between ‘roos and pigs the .22mag that lived on the dash got a decent workout.

      Getting all misty reminiscing about heat and sport :cool:

  3. Findalis says:

    Bacon on the hoof!

  4. Darin says:

    Aporkalyspe now! :twisted:

  5. AWW -= poor piggy-
    Bacon and a flank piece pleeeease :-)
    Glad the musssies don’t eat pork – more for us!

    • Ronbo says:

      However, the Muzbots do have a taste for human flesh, as the recent video where the Syrian rebel ate the heart of the enemy he had just killed….RAW!

      At least Hannibal The Cannibal cooked his meat and served it with good wine :!: