Open House

It’s freezing here…around 7c.   At least it’ll be a sunny 26c later.

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34 Responses to Open House

  1. Pascal says:

    FBI Director Mueller, we all laughed with Sgt Schultz. Can you tell us who wrote your “I know nutting” line for you?

  2. Findalis says:

    It is 74 F. here. We are expecting Thunderstorms all weekend, cool temperatures and very little heat. Where is this Globull$hit warming?

  3. Cadwallader says:

    Where are you? Taihape?

    • Findalis says:

      Just outside of Chicago.

      • Ronbo says:


        I’m sorry, but 44 degrees Fahrenheit is 12 degrees above freezing :!: :mrgreen:

        Wimp :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

        • KG says:

          I is! :roll: I damn well hatehatehatehate being cold, dammit.
          And 12 above freezing is only technically “not freezing”, ok?
          Heaters going full blast in every room here and I’m not going out for a shoot until the sun’s been up for at least three hours.

        • Findalis says:

          44 F isn’t cold. Heck last winter we went down to -15 F and that was without windchill.


          • KG says:

            Next time it’s 50c and a gritty, sandy gale blowing I’ll invite you over, Findalis. And we can go for a 5km walk in the bush…. :twisted:

  4. it’s high 80-90ish
    I like it 50-ish-low 70 F
    guess it’s the Viking/Irish in me :-)

    • KG says:

      The Irish settled this area, Carol and endured almost unbelievable hardships.
      I’m totally convinced of their toughness. :lol:

  5. Darin says:

    It was 92*f today and 85% humidity,and this crap will be here until late August :cry:

    Take a look,that’s me just to the left and down a bit from the black stuff-

    • KG says:

      Funny, that…whodathunk the sons of such a repressive ideology would turn out to be bent, twisted and utterly fucked in the head?

      • Darin says:

        Well you know for those times when there aren’t any Goats around and Achmed is feeling lonely :roll:

    • KG says:
      And we could make bacon shot–just chop up bacon, put it in a biltong dehydrator and load it into shotgun shells.

  6. KG says:

    ‘Part real-life thriller, part national tragedy, American Betrayal lights up the massive, Moscow-directed penetration of America’s most hallowed halls of power, revealing not just the familiar struggle between Communism and the Free World, but the hidden war between those wishing to conceal the truth and those trying to expose the increasingly official web of lies.
    American Betrayal is America’s lost history, a chronicle that pits Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Dwight David Eisenhower, and other American icons who shielded overlapping Communist conspiracies against the investigators, politicians, defectors, and others (including Senator Joseph McCarthy) who tried to tell the American people the truth.
    American Betrayal shatters the approved histories of an era that begins with FDR’s first inauguration, when “happy days” are supposed to be here again, and ends when we “win” the Cold War. It is here, amid the rubble, where Diana West focuses on the World War II–Cold War deal with the devil in which America surrendered her principles in exchange for a series of Big Lies whose preservation soon became the basis of our leaders’ own self-preservation. It was this moral surrender to deception and self-deception, West argues, that sent us down the long road to moral relativism, “political correctness,” and other cultural ills that have left us unable to ask the hard questions: Does our silence on the crimes of Communism explain our silence on the totalitarianism of Islam? Is Uncle Sam once again betraying America?..’

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      I knew those fuckers would not be willing to face the hardship they have foisted on the American public. I mean, how can someone earning a miserable $20,000 a year afford a health plan that will cost them nearly $2,000 a year and have a $2,000 deductible.

      Skinning alive is too good for them. *SPIT*

  7. Phil Stephenson says:

    Something here to think about:

  8. KG says:

    I like the open letter to John Boehner, right under that article Phil.

  9. dondiego says:

    Just read an old speech online:


    “And yet another reason was that as the equality zealots gained the ascendancy, they were able to use all of the institutional resources of the state to reconfigure how we see the world, how we learn about the world, and even how we think about the world.”


    “Rather than looking like conservatives fighting the tide of progress, we have to be the tide–the tide that sweeps away the old and decrepit left, that sweeps them out of power, sweeps them into the landfill of history, never to rise again.”

    “The Left … have failed on every level. They are running on autopilot.

    And now they are increasingly worried and desperate, because they can sense their own weakness, they can sense the boredom and the discontent seething underneath, the potential for a revolution.

    They have failed aesthetically, criminologically, culturally, demographically, economically, politically, socially. They have failed on every front.

    And by now they are vulnerable on all fronts.

    The who/where/why/how etc has all been noted, this bloke offered potential solutions

  10. Oswald Bastable says:

    Low of 12c and a high of 18 here, a week out from the shortest daylight hours of the year.

    Hell of an improvement on last year- and no wind chill :mrgreen:

    • KG says:

      And no gales blowing over railcars……. :lol: That was the only place I’ve ever seen a stack of green wood blown to pieces by the wind.

  11. KG says:

    ‘Yesterday an alliance of Tory and Labour grandees said the murder of soldier Lee Rigby shows the need for the controversial legislation to allow security forces to read private emails and track web usage…’

    Security services had been aware of the danger the muslim asshole presented for YEARS before he acted. A combination of political cowardice and incompetence killed Lee Rigby, not an inability to read everybody’s emails and snoop on web usage.
    Lying, opportunistic cunts.

    • Pascal says:

      It’s not simply lying KG. They know you’ll know (and a large percentage of Britons affected) will know it’s a deliberately thin veil of an excuse to increase power.

      Globally we are witnessing goading by the rulers of the soon to be imprisoned. Implied in their brazenness is “watcha gonna do about it punk” as they have their agents scanning the responses of their peons looking for signs of the REAL leaders of the opposition.

      They are far worse than liars. They are bullies and cowards hiding behind the power of their enbiggening state.

  12. The Gantt Guy says:

    Helen Clark is the cunt who destroyed a country. But of course, “she” is so much more than that. A rabid, revolutionary socialist her entire life. Her profile on KeyWiki makes for very interesting reading. It is Trevor Loudon’s feature profile this week.

  13. KG says:

    “They are far worse than liars. They are bullies and cowards hiding behind the power of their enbiggening state.”
    Yes indeed.

  14. Michael in Nelson says:
  15. KG says: Buy the lady a beer! :mrgreen: