
‘AUSTRALIA’S refugee determination process has broken down completely, admitting large numbers of people whose claims are fraudulent.
The claims come from a former senior Immigration Department official who says the system favours those who tell lies over those who tell the truth, is easily scammed and has become utterly dysfunctional.
He also reported that middle-class Iranian asylum-seekers often arrived in Christmas Island barely a week after leaving Tehran and exhibited an aggressive “entitlement mentality”.
“I had a colleague producing five ‘yes’ decisions a day,” the former tribunal member said. “The (Immigration) department loved him because of the numbers of cases he could clear.”….’
Via The Australian. (subscription necessary).  You won’t see this reported elsewhere in the Oz media.

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One Response to Invasion.

  1. RWT says:

    Yep, more than 40,000 since kevin rudd went to fix what wasn’t broken to entertain the whims of some teenage twats on the left. Australia never had the problems of somali/african gangs, muslim gangs, ethnic ghettos and whatever else from places like Europe and the States.

    Immigrants came in an orderly fashion knowing we weren’t entitled to squat and if we didn’t like it we’re always free to shove off somewhere else. But that was too peaceful for a minority of leftist shits, that was working far too well for some. Australia made the stupid mistake of giving these bastards the power to ‘fix’ it all.

    The other day i saw somewhere that the majority of these illegals in NSW are settling in a suburb called Liverpool, which i think is labor territory, one of those places where mobs were cheering for kevin rudd.

    I sat there thinking, well if they voted for that ass, they deserve all the problems he cheerily brought on them. It’s such a hopeless situation now, i don’t think anything abbott will do can undo the shit these leftist twats have left steaming all over the place.

    If nothing else, i’m 99% sure that by the time he cleans out the trash in 1 or 2 terms, there will be enough idiots out there who’ll give the keys back to labor trash to do the same thing all over again.