Oh, FFS!

Some clown called Kathy Marks writing in the NZ Herald:
“It’s hard to be a woman in Australia”
Apparently, we’re a deeeply sexist society…….this fuckwit needs to get a life. Australians tend to treat people according to how they behave, not by what’s hanging (or not) between their legs. Unlike NZ, where being female renders a person somehow more privileged and immune to criticism. Australia is the real world, unlike that pissant feminazi-dominated little socialist island off our east coast.

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24 Responses to Oh, FFS!

  1. mawm says:

    Hmmmmm……………… Australian foreplay – “Brace yourself Sheila”. :oops:

  2. KG says:

    :mrgreen: Unlike maori foreplay:
    “eh..you awake?”

  3. KG says:

    This whole sexism thing is a beat-up, sparked by Gillard’s deeply dishonest attempt to divide Autralia along class and gender lines. And fuckwits like Marks either can’t or won’t see what the game plan is.
    Interestingly, since the redhead cow started this, male Labor supporters are leaving in droves, (around 7%) while the females polled have registered a 1% uptick in approval of her.
    One wonders if women should be allowed to vote at all, if that’s how they judge a PM.

  4. KG says:

    I believe the women who comment in CR are not typical female voters.

  5. KG says:


  6. Tom says:

    At least most of the nz herald comments to the article were against the silly bitch.

    • KG says:

      That’s some consolation, at least, Tom. But the steady drip of propaganda will do its work eventually.

  7. KG says:

    From todays’ news:
    ‘Prime Minister Julia Gillard has lost the support of an average 500,000 male voters in the past month in what has been described by pollsters as the biggest gender shift ever recorded.’

    • mawm says:

      The question to be asked is “What the f*#king hell were they doing supporting her in the first place?”. There are a lot of lame-brains around! http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_wacko.gif

      All these bloody metrosexuals who have been pussy-whipped into submission by the feminists. Have they not learned yet that when it comes to getting what one wants from a woman the bad boys win every time…. while all they get is to be used and abused. Swallow the red pill! :twisted:

  8. Findalis says:

    Woman without ( o Y o ) is not to be listened to or obeyed. They are girlie men in disguise.


  9. mistress mara says:

    KG, “I believe the women who comment in CR are not typical female voters.” No shit Sherlock :mrgreen:

  10. D.T. says:

    Gillard keeps yapping on about misogyny but she has never worried about the affairs she has had and families she has destroyed……I wonder what those wives think of her?

  11. Michael in Nelson says:

    A man who has finally seen through the falsehoods (slightly OT but a glimmer of hope)


  12. mistress mara says:

    Michael in Nelson, if voters were IQ tested and disenfranchised if found to be stupid and/or brainwashed, and if the Repub. representatives themselves were able to pass the test, then your guy might have an even chance of being heard amongst the rabble of more Mexicans and the newly about to be imported Syrian “refugees.”