The socialist way:

Henry Ergas and Judith Sloan, writing in The Australian:
‘..At least $120bn in needlessly accumulated debt; about $100bn in waste from poor quality spending and taxing; $30bn in losses from the NBN alone; and an industrial relations system that reduces national income by at least $6bn a year and creates an adversarial climate in the workplace: all that makes Rudd the costliest prime minister in Australian history.

…….That then is Rudd: uninterested in economics, contemptuous of process, the most recent incarnation of “whatever it takes” man in a party tainted by corruption and cronyism.’

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4 Responses to The socialist way:

  1. Phil Stephenson says:

    The worst part is that he may yet be voted back in after the election. People are that stupid.

  2. WebWrat says:

    Some conversations with a liberal to enjoy!!

  3. Bogusnews says:

    I often think there are many similarities between Rudd getting into power and Labour getting in over here in 1999. Unfortunately with similar results.

    Howard and Costello ran a great ship over there. Bit scary how quickly their legacy has been flushed down the toilet.