Conversations with a liberal

Thanks WebWrat for the link.

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16 Responses to Conversations with a liberal

  1. Oswald Bastable says:

    Yep, you would get more sense out of a pissed Galah…

  2. KG says:

    :mrgreen: The Galah would at least be smarter.

  3. nominto says:

    now I know what open lift shafts are good for.

  4. KG says:

    The video is a work of genius–it captures the armour-plated ignorant certitude of leftards perfectly.

  5. Darin says:

    I learned long ago now if I am talking to someone and they mention certain key words like-
    Haliburton,Cheney,Abu Griab,Black Water etc it’s best to just tell them to f–k off and walk away.

    How to talk to liberals-

    • Cadwallader says:

      The key words I look out for from lefties/liberals include “paradigm” and “facilitator.” As in “I am a facilitator committed to taking society into a new paradigm!” (What the fxxk?)
      I recall a well known NZ commentator being asked by some brain-washed teenagers to assist them with their “leadership skills.” His response was met with deathly silence then name-calling by their teacher. It was; “Who do you wish to lead and where do you wish to lead them to?” The school system seems to be awash with absurdities like this.

      • Darin says:

        I witnessed similar,all that political duckspeak is one thing at university,but when it invades industry all hell starts breaking loose.I’ve seen more than one manufacturing plant slowly go belly up because of all the liberal diversity and PC bullshit ruined morale and then profits.
        I was sitting in on a confrence meeting at a shipyard,a meeting that since I worked for one of their subcontractors I had to attend.There were about ten of us there and the main company’s “diversity and ethnic sensitivity consultant”.He went on and on in circles for 45 minutes right down to not opening doors for women lest they think we males were patronizing them FFS! On it went for a solid hour when he noticed I wasn’t paying attention, he looked down and peered over the rims of his little narrow liberal fuckwit glasses and asked me if I had any questions in a snotty tone.
        I said,yes,just three-Who the f–k are you,what the f–k are you saying and what the f–k does it have to do with building ships???
        After the rest of the attendees quit laughing we went for coffee and never looked back.

        That yard went bust a couple years later,nobody wanted to work for them,everybody stuck there waiting on retirement suddenly had to tiptoe around all the PC police asshats or risk being fired,it was a real nightmare for some of the old timers that hung on until the auctioneers took over.

  6. Findalis says:

    A liberal learns that mouth should never engage the brain.

  7. Brilliant, that really made me laugh–I liked the long pauses while she was locating her brain to answer the questions.