‘The Front Man’

‘…You do not need to install a dictator when you’ve already had a politically supercharged permanent bureaucracy in place for 40 years or more. As is made clear by everything from campaign donations to the IRS jihad, the bureaucracy is the Left, and the Left is the bureaucracy. (bold mine kg) Elections will be held, politicians will come and go, but if you expand the power of the bureaucracy, you expand the power of the Left, of the managers and minions who share Barack Obama’s view of the world. Barack Obama isn’t the leader of the free world; he’s the front man for the permanent bureaucracy, the smiley-face mask hiding the pitiless yawning maw of total politics.’          source

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7 Responses to ‘The Front Man’

  1. Anonymous says:

    I agree with your comments on the bureaucracy. However, the right is as guilty as the left.

    History shows that ALL governments, throughout history, are corrupt. From top to bottom. We have 5000 thousand years of proof. Left, central, right, Democrat, Republican, Marxist, Communist, etc. ALL the same.

    Protect the rights of the average citizen? Nope.

    Provide any honest, meaningful services to the citizens? No, again.

    Create a “upper class”, and bureaucrats that victimize, control, subjugate and kill their citizens. Yep, in every case, since Adam and Eve.

  2. KG says:

    There’s a lot of truth in that, but the fact is, the bureaucrats overwhelmingly vote left and push the left’s agendas.
    In lots of conversations with government employees, I’ve found that conservative examples are as rare as rocking-horse shit.

    • Ronbo says:


      I was U.S. Army assigned to NSA Hq. at Ft. Meade, Md. in the late 1970s for three years – and the Left-Right divide in those days were along the military-civilian lines.

      If the person was military they were usually Republican.

      If civilian they were almost 100% Democrat.

  3. GW says:

    Art. I Sec. I of the Constitution gives all legislative power to Congress. Roosevelt got that changed with his court packing scheme, and the left has never looked back. As I wrote some time ago, this is by far the biggest systemic problem of our government and it has worked a fundamental change:

    In a dictatorship, laws are passed by unelected government bureaucrats without reference to the will of the people, nor subject to review by elected representatives. So what’s the difference between that and our form of government? Today, not so much.

    Our Founding fathers created by the Constitution a republic. In Art. I, Sec. I of the Constitution, they vested all legislative powers of our republic in Congress. The Founders further provided a framework that allowed Congress to, at any time, review prior law and, if appropriate, vote to repeal it. And most importantly, the Founding Fathers provided that each Congressman voting for or against the laws was directly subject to the ballot box. We no longer live in that world.

    Today, Congress does not solely wield the legislative power of our nation. Indeed, Congress is very far from even being the most important source of our legislation. Our nation now most clearly resembles the socialist regulatory bureaucracy of the EU, where mountains of regulations with the full force and effect of law are passed by unelected bureacrats. In our nation today, individuals, businesses, and private and public organizations can be fined, sanctioned, forced to close, and jailed for violating federal regulations that have never been subject to a vote by our elected representatives, nor signed into law by the President. The genius of our Constitutional system of checks and balances is wholly obliterated in the tyranny of our modern the regulatory bureaucracy.

    This is a grave issue under Obama, but it is also much bigger than just his wholesale abuse of the regulatory bureaucracy. The growth and dictatorial power of the regulatory bureaucracy is a systemic toxin overlaid upon our government by FDR, and its substantial growth now threatens to wholly undermine our form of government, taking our most important legislation completely outside the purview of our elected representatives. . . .

  4. Darin says:

    “Presidents for eight years,bureacrats for life”

    Awhile back a friend sent me an e-mail where he was worried about the amount of ammunition the DHS was buying.I told him not to worry,the bullets aren’t the scary part,afterall they can only kill you once.
    The scary part is that the DHS has 240,000 employees,that’s 240,000 leeches who have the authority to make our lives a living hell with paper work and regulations,death would be merciful.

    I was once asked by a young Russian immigrant “what is IRS?” I told him it’s like the KGB except less merciful.KGB will put a bullet in the back of your head,IRS will make you kill yourself.

    • Ronbo says:

      The upside is that our current Obama dictatorship, the Democrat Party and its willing lackeys in the federal government are not sustainable.

      Like the old Soviet Union, the system will collapse when the economy goes West in the next decade, or tomorrow.

      The welfare checks end…the mobs riot…the patriots revolt…The USA federal government goes belly up…and the politicians and bureaucrats find themselves run out of the country and on leaky boats heading for… Australia?

      :shock: I doubt it, because by that time the Aussies will be wise enough to machine gun on the high seas worthless parasites in human disguise.