Open house

NZ “justice”.  Again. Not that Australia is much better, but at least we have a bigger pool to play in and there are more options.

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63 Responses to Open house

  1. KG says:

    ‘Man Arrested After Trying To Sell Infant On CRAIGSLIST For $100…’

    I should think so! That’s an exorbitant price.

  2. Darin says:

    Japan’s new light carrier-

    The F-35’s they are buying should operate off it nicely.

  3. KG says:

    ‘McCain, Graham urge Egyptian government to release Islamist prisoners during Cairo visit’

    • Darin says:

      I was sitting here thinking I wish she would get out of the way so I can get a better look at the blond chick :lol:

      Company just down the street hired a Russian girl this past week.Why she isn’t a model is beyond me :shock:

  4. mistress mara says:

    I see on the following figures ..
    Benefit Aust.aged pension Illegal immigrants/
    Refugees living in Aust.
    Weekly allow. $253.00 $472.50
    Weekly spouse allow. $56.00 $472.50
    Additional weekly. $0 $145.00

    Total yearly $16.068 $56,680
    WTF!! Is this true? :shock:

    • mawm says:

      :shock: I think I’ll start overloading my boat and heading your way. I feel persecuted because I’m white. For $56 680, free health care and housing I’ll even vote Labour! :roll:

      PS: Tell your Navy to send a boat ASAP. It’s a 28 footer with about 900 persons on board.

      • KG says:

        It’s certainly true, Mara. In fact the figure is often higher.

        Just head north-west for a week, (a week and a half for an H.28 :twisted: ) open the seacocks and ‘phone the R.A.N. for a taxi, Mawm.
        Oh, and don’t forget to throw any identifying papers overboard.

      • mawm says:

        :evil: Grrr……..why does everyone have to mock my boat. It is not slow if sailed properly, except when beating, and as you well know “gentlemen don’t sail to weather”. :roll:

        • KG says:

          :grin: Just a little gentle fun, Mawm. I’ve had slower boats than that.
          The H28 would be my choice for a sailboat in that size range.

        • mawm says:

          I know. The ’round the cans’ types are forever mocking her but many grew up on one as a kid and loved it. For me she’s easy to manage on my own and I try not put myself under any pressure to get somewhere.

          • KG says:

            The Wednesday afternoon racers are a pack of wankers obsessed with pointing half a degree higher and that last 1/4 knot of speed.
            Beats me why they don’t just buy a Cigarette Magnum.
            Cruising is for gentlemen in sensible boats.

          • mawm says:

            Cruising is for gentlemen in sensible boats.

            I haven’t quite got to the slippers, smoking jacket and gimballed chair yet but the single malt and good whisky tumbler are invaluable. :mrgreen:

  5. mawm says:

    Here’s one you might like……….

  6. Darin says:

    Ironworkers-just one word-Balls

  7. Pascal says:

    I think you will like the comeuppance delivered to an overbearing Lefty child of privilege who came to gloat over her perception of how Velociman’s great words were received.

    It is not over yet, as she seems to have met a tar baby and simply can’t stop trying to punch herself free. She seems to be that stupid. Or maybe a masochist.


    • KG says:

      Excellent. :twisted: I do like og’s comment at the bottom of the page. :lol:

      • WebWrat says:

        “You can eat a bowl of alphabet soup and shit better prose”.

        • Darin says:

          “Cocksocket” :lol: :lol:

          • Pascal says:

            The most significant thing about that description is that the casual reader might think cocksocket was a mindless disparagement of an enemy. But read the introduction to her kindle book with Amazon’s free peek feature, and you find that she brags about her penchant, as if it gives her street creds or something. You cannot make this shit up.

            Let me revise my earlier post’s speculation. She may well be a masochist, but she is that stupid.

      • Pascal says:

        He also made reference to Fairbairn-Sykes. It might be more recognizable to you down under than to yanks.

  8. Darin says:

    Pascal said-“Let me revise my earlier post’s speculation. She may well be a masochist, but she is that stupid.”

    Liberal Alley cat?I know the type,got deep daddy issues and so wages war against daddy by sleeping with anything that moves.She doesn’t want a boyfriend or a husband,she’s looking for her idea of what daddy should be.Lacking security she looks to the government for it and thinks the sun rises and sets over Obama’s arse.

    • Pascal says:

      Well, close enough. According to her bio (I got it from that sneak peak), she is married and has a child. She calls them “the goat” and “the kid,” respectively (hardly respectfully). And you got the Daddy issues down cold. She recounts favorable a story about him: when he disrupted a Christmas service with loud and off key singing at church in the only time he ever took her there. The makings of a iconoclast — and she carries on the tradition today, only she’s not getting stared at like that time; this child of old money privilege is being reminded of the ending of “The Day of the Locust.” :evil:

      • Darin says:

        Maybe,remember to a leftist marriage is just a utility and does not in anyway bar promiscuity,see BJ Clinton and Weiner.

        I have also in my brief time on Earth noticed that nearly ALL leftists were rotten brats as children and they simply never grew up.

        • KG says:

          “I have also in my brief time on Earth noticed that nearly ALL leftists were rotten brats as children and they simply never grew up.”
          Spot on.

  9. Pascal says:

    Since you all liked Og’s way of slapping down this nobody, I think you will very much more like his fisking of an email making the rounds demanding for “Justice for Trayvon.”


    • KG says:

      That’s a damn good fisking, Pascal.
      You know what? These days, I simply can’t be bothered arguing with the race hustlers, multi-culti idiots and all the rest of the regressive assholes and fuckwits who make up the left.
      I find myself wishing the whole rotten edifice of “democracy” would collapse so the 7.62 solution could be applied casually and routinely to the scum.

      • Ronbo says:


        For years now, I’ve racked my brain for a peaceful way out of this corner we in the West World have painted ourselves, but I’ve come to the sad conclusion that we will have to shoot our way out…I think it will war. :evil: Civil War within our countries and World War against Islam. :evil:


        • KG says:

          I agree, Ronbo. Absolutely. Except, there’s nothing sad about it as far as I’m concerned.
          What would be sad is if we don’t get the opportunity to violently destroy those who would enslave us.

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      Really good take down. However, he did miss one very important point…’Stand your Ground’ law was never invoked! Zimmerman was acquitted on a simple self defense basis.

      The campaign agains ‘Stand your Ground’ laws is a complete red herring with the only goal being to disarm the general public and replace it with a ‘Requirement to Flee’.

      • Pascal says:

        I agree with your last paragraph, but the stand your ground law IS indirectly involved here. And that indirect reason is an argument for the law in the first place.

        Stand your ground, in concert with concealed carry, was one a George Zimmerman or anyone like him is provided protection while he is active in neighborhood watch. Because it’s an involved argument, most of the arguments have simply pointed out that this was an outright case of self defense. The alternative to stand your ground is that someone in Zimmerman’s position would be forced to retreat — essentially cower from any questionable situation — rather than feeling free to investigate odd incidents and then wait for police who are too busy to come to investigate suspicious activities.

        I’d go into the wider implications as to why those in government want us to cower and be at the mercy of either the criminals or the disinterested authorities, but I don’t think it’s really necessary for this argument. Innocent people should be free to protect their property and not forced to cower. Period. Stand you ground did contribute to Zimmerman being willing to be out there, and that is the way it should be. Don’t allow them to back you off from defending the law simply because it does not directly apply.

        Argue: “the law was created to back a property owner’s rights that should never have been in question to have required such a law in the first place. It is there only because of damned criminal protection racketeers such as you.”

        • Pascal says:

          Sorry for the messy wording. I see a need for a rewrite. But it’s mostly clear enough.

          In short, don’t back off simply because stand your ground is not directly involved here. Standing your ground and don’t back off on stand your ground laws.

      • og says:

        That’s why I typed ” ‘Stand your ground” was not even an ISSUE in this case,”. I made that very clear.

  10. Darin says:

    I will talk to a mouth breather lefty and stay civil as long as they do the same.The minute they start with the ad hominem attacks then I switch to full on battle axe charge :twisted:

    • KG says:

      I passed that stage some time ago, Darin.
      But then, I always was an impatient bastard…..

  11. Michael in Nelson says:

    What is it with hospital staff that they talk like someone who comes in ill has also become almost deaf?

    • KG says:

      Dunno, Michael. I observed it close up for a couple of years and it seemed to be the same few people who persisted in doing it.

      • Darin says:

        Running joke at work is when an FNG comes back in the fab shop and asks if there are any ear plugs

        -standard reply-“HUH? WHAT DID YOU SAY?” :grin:

  12. KG says:

    ‘..That phrase “legislative grace” appears in some rather important Supreme Court decisions about the extent of Congress’s taxing powers under the Sixteenth Amendment. When the question was put before the Court whether there is any limit on how high income tax rates could be set, the majority decision was that no such limit exists — that whatever percentage of one’s income Congress allows one to retain is an act of “legislative grace.”

    And you thought you had property rights….’
    Francis Porretto

  13. Octagongrappler says:

    Read what spoon says!! He says asian kids are the future because they are better at school!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

    • mawm says:

      Trust a South African to invent something like this. As they say ” ‘n Boer maak ‘n plan”. (I’ll translate on request for those interested).

  14. KG says:

    Been moving house all day. :evil:
    This is interesting:
    The Riddle of the “angel Priest”
    ‘Pinned inside her mangled Mercedes, seriously injured and fading fast, Katie Lentz turned to her rescuers on the lonely open stretch of Missouri highway and asked them to pray. Struck head-on by a drunk driver on Sunday morning, emergency workers had been battling for an hour and a half to free Lentz, but to no avail. But as they joined hands a Catholic priest appeared, even though there were no bystanders and the road was blocked, who offered a prayer and an instruction to the rescuers that they would now be able to free her…’