‘SPORTS fans are being warned not to wear the green and gold national colours or fly the Australian flag at the Commonwealth Games for fear of attracting terrorists keen to target foreigners.
…..”People should not fly Australian flags,” counter-terrorism and security consultants Homeland Security Asia-Pacific spokesman Roger Henning said.
“People shouldn’t wear an Aussie T-shirt, drape themselves in the Aussie flag, or draw attention to themselves in any other clothing which is identifiable as Australian.”

This is bullshit. If a peaceful, multi-national sporting event can’t be held without our athletes and fans having to hide their colors for fear of being attacked then we as a people should get some fucking dignity and refuse to participate.
Fer crissakes! Have we come to this, that a bunch of primitive murdering asswipe muslims can make us too afraid to display the symbols of our country, make us creep around apologetically, cringe and slink in the shadows like mangy curs?
Well yes, shirley, we HAVE come to this. And a thought occurs to me…….are we so bloody different, the rest of us here in the West to those morons being “raped for peace” in the post below? On one hand insisting that islam is the “religion of peace” even as they murder us, rolling over and showing them our bellies at every opportunity, bending over and saying “please fuck me some more because I deserve it”?
You know the answer to that.

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