Open house

summerWinter’s over.  Springtime!

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16 Responses to Open house

  1. KG says:

    Welcome to your future:
    Companies lay off thousands…
    …then demand immigration ‘reform’ to bring in new workers!

    The drive for immigrants and to legalize illegal immigrants is a push by big business to depress wages.
    In that brave new world, everybody will work for peanuts, as little more than serfs.

  2. rivoniaboy says:

    Heard this in the radio today – As one of the Christian soldiers fighting against the rebels in Syria said, “We gave you St. Paul to lead you out of the darkness and in return you send terrorists to kill us”.

  3. Findalis says:

    Here we are preparing for this:

    Be prepared! They are coming!

  4. Odayu-sen says:

    Shock, horror: the Defence Force’s ‘risk-tolerant culture’? Tisk, tisk, can’t have that, now…

    Poor leadership and a “risk-tolerant culture” has been uncovered at the New Zealand Defence Force by an independent probe that has today made 20 urgent recommendations to overhaul its lax health and safety policies.

    Kind of reminded me of the motto of the British SAS… ;-)

  5. KG says:

    :shock: “Lax health and safety policies”!! Can’t have that–next thing you know, they’ll be fighting and everything.

  6. Darin says:

    From Thor’s link-

    “But, organizers insist the name was changed because, “Many non-Muslim Americans are terrified of Muslims, who are portrayed by Hollywood and the US media as fanatical terrorists.”

    No Muzzies,that’s not terror,we just fucking hate you all.

  7. KG says:

    We’re not “terrified” of fanatical muslims–we’d just like the opportunity to kill a few.
    Or a lot…….
    Perhaps the organizers need to learn the meaning of a few words. Words like disgusted, repelled, loathe, contempt, hatred……

  8. Darin says:

    Another record Alligator-741lbs that’s the third record broken and we’re only 11 days into the season.

  9. KG says:

    ‘Pledge of Allegiance skipped,
    Muslim poem read at Boston school
    on 9/11’