Yep, that’ll “fundamentally transform” all right….

Sen. Jeff Sessions: American Workers ‘Sacrificed Completely’ in Immigration Plan
“Over the next decade, the Senate plan provides roughly 30 million mostly lower-skill immigrants with permanent residency through green cards,” Sessions writes. “Less than 10 percent of these green cards are allocated through the Gang’s alleged merit system. Moreover, green-card holders will be able to petition in future years to bring in their relatives, including elderly parents, commencing a permanent expansion of chain migration unrelated to skill set.”
In addition to that massive influx of new green cards, Sessions notes that the Senate bill “doubles the number of non-immigrant guest workers admitted each year from approximately 600,000 today to an average of 1.2 million annually over the next decade.”
“In the first year of the bill, due to the inclusion of family members, the number will spike to 1.6 million, with only 7 percent doing agricultural work,” Sessions writes. “The other 93 percent will be hired to fill jobs in virtually every sector, including construction work, nursing, teaching at public schools, driving trucks, heavy equipment operators, mining and manufacturing.”
Meanwhile, Sessions points out, American workers are struggling to find work…’
Meanwhile, large American companies are laying off thousands of workers while at the same time lobbying for this immigration plan. The agenda’s not too hard to work out, is it?

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10 Responses to Yep, that’ll “fundamentally transform” all right….

  1. Kathleen says:

    Nope and it is sad. :cry:

  2. Findalis says:

    30 million mostly lower-skill immigrants with permanent residency through green cards,

    Not immigrants but future Democrat voters.

  3. HarvardPotatoHead says:


    *BBA – BlackBerry Assed in he best nigra talk accent yours very truly to pass this heah weekend news dump concerning discussion groups mtg @ Level 69, blackBerry’s Underground Kompound, @ Angels, the new place3 next to D Algora Bar, Grille, Massage Parlor et Weight Loss Studio, Inc.. Angels be managed by Imam Travon Martini, late de la planet Earth and may yvt note that Angels b one hell of a rocking joint 4 legal illegal legals who b workN they way up d social ladder and/or emergency room wait upgrade and may it be noted in developing this fundamentalular change YIKES!!!OMG!!!Her coming down the escalateor 4 d excelebration gotta go dudes Diplomatic Pouch done seed yvt!!!haulbuttbigdaddy outta heah!!!Yours Verilily Trul;ililularly HarvardPotatoHead

  4. Contempt says:

    :shock: Yo. whatup. Could be HPH is on to something. Perhaps a career politician viewing this could ‘splain it.

    Why does HPH have the same icon that I do? :roll:

  5. Mathew says:

    The politicians will tell Americans to just go to the welfare office if they can’t find work. Eventually they’ll shut it and go, sad but that’s the brutal reality. What we’re seeing now reminds me of what i read of the Roman Empire and its fall. Americans were told and rightly believed that they’re exceptional, but that doesn’t mean they’re also exempt from the same fate that befell others before them.

    • KG says:

      Which is exactly why I’d prefer to see Revolution2 rather than this accelerating slide into serfdom, Mathew.

  6. The agenda’s not too hard to work out, is it?

    You mean- follow the $$$ – right~!