But will it stop the scams?

“Research” grants, conferences, money channelled to industry cronies…..it’s too big to be derailed by facts.
‘A new study has found that climate predictions used by scientists, forecasters, and academics have wildly overestimated global warming, forecasting on average two times more warming than actually occurred.
As Fox News reports, a study in the science journal Nature Climate Change “compared 117 climate predictions made in the 1990s to the actual amount of warming.” And out of those 117 predictions, according to the study’s author, “three were roughly accurate and 114 overestimated the amount of warming. On average, the predictions forecasted two times more global warming than actually occurred.”….’              Breitbart

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7 Responses to But will it stop the scams?

  1. MvL says:

    “But will it stop the scams?’
    I seriously doubt it.
    There’s far too much money sloshing around for these thieves* to give it up lightly without a fight.
    *Thieves respect property. They merely wish the property to become their property that they may more perfectly respect it” [G.K. Chesterton]

    A good example of the deception, weasel words and semantics employed by the believers, is provided by Gillard, post election.
    ” Labor must continue to stand behind the significant policies which are right but are currently outside the national political consensus. Clearly, carbon pricing is the political giant of this class…
    I erred by not contesting the label “tax” for the fixed price period of the emissions trading scheme I introduced… I made the wrong choice and, politically, it hurt me terribly…”
    So it’s all in the name then? ‘Tax” vs” Price”
    Bastards :evil:

  2. KG says:

    “….So it’s all in the name then? ‘Tax” vs” Price”…..”
    Politics has nothing to do with truth. Nothing.

  3. William Stout says:

    There was once another settled science. It was called eugenics and it was responsible for the deaths of millions. Much like climate science, it was adopted by politicians of the left and used to promote a leftist agenda. When it was coupled with Darwinian evolution the killings began and did not stop until the end of World War II. When conservatives and Christians objected to placing eugenic principals into the law, they were called backwards and anti-science. Sound vaguely familiar?

    In the 1960’s DDT received the same treatment from eco nut cases who villainized it as a carcinogen and environmental nightmare based wholly on forged science whose results have never been duplicated. Despite this, Dr. Edwards, an entomologist who taught at San Jose State, would take a tablespoon of DDT and eat it in front of the class every semester and did so without harm. Even a Federal Court declared that DDT was safe, but it was never the less banned because the left proclaimed it to be a danger. Thirty million people have died secondary to mosquito pathogens that DDT would have saved. The number continues to grow because no pesticide as effective has replaced it.

    History teaches us that global warming will not go away. It also teaches us that the body count must be astronomically high and the bodies must be displayed with their attendant horrors in order to gain the public’s attention. Therefore, I believe that global warming will never go away. This is despite the 60% increase in arctic ice between 2012 and 2013, the fact that global warming research used to refute critics was forged, that global warming models are incredibly inaccurate, that cabals of “researchers” have used every dirty trick in the book to shut down their critics, and the fact that thermal sensors were reporting inaccurate data secondary to their placement. As an interesting aside, NASA tracked climate changes on Mars that were in lock step with those of the Earth indicating that it was the sun, not man, that was ultimately responsible for global temperature change.

    The weather forecasters cannot tell you what the weather will be six weeks from now, so how in the name of God can they make a weather prediction five, ten, or even twenty or more years into the future with any degree of accuracy? The simple answer is that they cannot. Such people are snake oil salesmen selling panaceas for whatever ails you and because it is your tax dollars used to make the purchase, people never catch on.

    The point? When science is politicized it cannot be trusted.

  4. KG says:

    Great comment, William. Thanks.

  5. Darin says:

    “But will it stop the scams?”

    Short answer,no and here is why-

    In the US if you have a degree in a certain field,let’s use biology,and you want money to do research here is how you do it.

    You set up a Research Institute and file it as a 501-c3 with the IRS allowing the institute to operate as a non-profit.Then you name yourself as the senior director(a paid position of course).You then produce a body of work in some area of study in your field,say the study of tree slugs for example.

    The study of tree slugs by itself isn’t sexy enough to get funding,you need something that catches the eye of a funding source(environmental group,think tank,political action group etc) in order to get funded.So you look for the current hot button environmental paranoia of the day and include it in your grant proposal.

    So you publish your request for funding and call it “The effects of global warming and climate change on tree slugs”You go on in this report about some impending disaster that will befall mankind if the slugs aren’t allowed to migrate and how their migratory patterns are effected by CO2,blah,blah,blah.

    Now,if you were to do this for ligitimate reasons it could be done on a shoe string and maybe would cost $10,000 over ten years using slave labor in the form of grad students.

    But that’s not good enough.No,to do things right(keep the funding stream the institute needs gear,it needs a staff and it needs a facility.So $10,000 turns into $10,000,000.

    Enter the garden variety,science illiterate politicial funding committe in congress.They see a ten page report,they don’t understand,but it has a $10,000,000 price tag on it,so it must be important right????http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_mail.gif and the check is in the mail.

    Now that the curtain has been lifted on the AGW/CC scam the people pulling the levers will just rename they’re latest batch of grant requests and the wheel rolls on.

  6. Mathew says:

    The only way to stop the scam or to bring enough of the morons out there to their senses is to first go broke, rack up billions in debt and have no money left.
    Then vote in a conservative government with a mandate to end the waste and just let them cut these parasites off into the wind because we have no money for stupid leftist crap.

    I can’t say 100% that it will work, but that’s what we in Australia have done, we’re in stage 2, so let’s hope it really does work.