about 25 nautical miles off Indonesia..

‘Australia failed to send help: survivor
A SURVIVOR of yesterday’s asylum-seeker boat horror says he called Australia 10 times in 24 hours pleading for help “and they didn’t come”…’

So bloody what. These illegal invaders think they have a right to be rescued by Australians, at Australian taxpayer’s expense, when they’re  practically within sight of Indonesia!
In the Aussie vernacular..get stuffed. We owe you nothing, asshole, except a jail cell and rapid deportation should you make it to Australian shores.

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20 Responses to about 25 nautical miles off Indonesia..

  1. mawm says:

    Ten times in 24hours. Hmmmm………..once every 150 min. It must have been urgent help required.

    What happened? Deliberate sink and hope and nobody came? :mrgreen:

    • thor42 says:

      I’ll bet that’s *exactly* what it was, mawm.

      They WEREN’T “desperate” for survival – they were desperate to get into Australia.

      If they had been desperate to survive, they would have run Indonesia. Good riddance to the oxygen-thieves.

  2. Findalis says:

    If he was really in trouble then his call would have been to any ship, any nation nearby. Finally Australia has come to their senses. A real emergency would have been a radio call not a phone call.

  3. thor42 says:

    Bwahahahaha! BLOODY GOOD JOB!
    Good riddance to these VERMIN. The filth of the world.

    The REAL good news is that this news should spread among the other vermin pretty rapidly. Hopefully, even vermin will be able to learn that it is now useless to spend thousands on a boat-trip where you will either sink or be turned back.

    *** Abbott for emperor of the universe! *** :twisted:

    • Mathew says:

      Exactly right, the other thing is that even if Australia did rescue them, the new policy is to take them straight back to Indonesia.

  4. KG says:

    Headline on Kiwi news site:
    ‘Grave fears for asylum seekers missing in rough seas’
    I don’t hold “grave fears’ for them, and neither does anyone else I know.
    And neither, truth be known, do the foul leftard “journalists” writing this garbage. It’s simply a convenient, feelgood/lookgood pose and a stick to beat Abbott with.
    Those same people never held Gillard’s feet to the fire over the 1000+ drownings caused by Labor’s policies.
    Strange, that…..

    • thor42 says:

      I’m ashamed of our scum leftwing media, KG.

      I agree – it’s just a look-good leftwing pose.
      Abbott has a HUGE mandate and his fans will be growing by thousands every day each time one of these boats is turned back.

      • nominto says:

        coined a new acronym for our broadcast media..
        in the vein of a South African BMW [“break my window”]…….
        “TV” [1,2 or 3] …..”Thump Vigorously”..
        literally -these assholes need a damn good smacking …it is getting worse every day as they scramble around spouting sensationalist garbage ..and the worst thing is the amount of sheeple lapping it up as if it was the true gospel.
        I have ended up watching the Chinese news when I haven’t the chance to use the ‘net.

  5. KG says:

    As for the drowned children, I have NEVER heard a word of criticism directed at parents putting their kids in harm’s way. Never.
    The kids are nothing more than a bargaining ploy in any case, since we all know how much people who dress toddlers in bomb vests – and marry off nine year-olds – value children.

  6. mawm says:

    “value children” – yep, just like the kids in the cookery school in the Kenyan mall, and of course Beslan. :evil: Can also add the genital mutilation of young girls, forced marriages and of course, as you mentioned, and the rape of children by their “husbands” until they bleed to death. They have sooooo much to contribute to civilised society!

  7. dondiego says:

    Yes, I chuckled seeing this on the tele-screen at work just before. Spread the Good News far and wide! No more taxis to a better life @whitey$expen$e!

    Just a couple more now & the plane-people will get the memo :lol:

  8. Mathew says:

    It’s not our fault, it’s their own fault for putting their children on a leaky boat and heading into sea. Like one of the commenters said, why only call Australia when you’re just 23 miles from Indonesia. It’s a crock of shit that our arse-licking media will take up and run with, too bad for them i suspect most Australians don’t care.

    The unfortunate reality thanks to the bastards in labor who opened the gate is that a bunch of illegals is just going to have to die before they’ll get the message. The free-go is over folks, sorry but that’s just the way it is.

  9. Mathew says:

    Bolt has an article explaining the fiasco –

    As i was remarking yesterday, it’s the usual scumbags on the left who are just getting into gear, for the next 3 years, everything from their blocked toilets to missing their period will be blamed on Tony Abbott.

    Too many weeds in the garden, that bastard Abbott!
    Boyfriend left me, that bastard Abbott!
    Got fired for being a useless pustule, that bastard Abbott!
    Roof leaking, that bastard Abbott!
    Internet too slow to download goat porn, that bastard Abbott!
    Stubbed your toe, that bastard Abbott!
    Hurts when you pee, that bastard Abbott!

    Just wait and watch the leftards blame every single thing on poor Tony Abbott. It’s what they did under Howard and you can bet your bottom dollar they’ll do the same to Abbott.

    Here’s to hoping he starts privatizing the ABC quickly. It’ll take the wind out of their sails and it’s high time some of those parasites were put to work.

  10. KG says:

    “This is because of the Australian government. I want them to know that,” said one survivor from the boat, which broke up in heavy seas off the coast of Java on Friday.

    ‘Abbott blamed for not saving a boat now lying on an Indonesian beach’


  11. KG says:

    Heh! Snap!

  12. KG says:

    Privatize the ABC? Abolish it. The socialist assholes are eating the lunch of private enterprise, courtesy of the taxpayer.