oh, FFS! #24

‘A teenager reportedly seen hitching a ride on the back of a whale off the West Australian coast was courting death, say environmental authorities.
The WA Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC) was alerted on Friday afternoon that a teenager had been seen climbing onto the back of a southern right whale close to Albany’s Middleton Beach, about 390km southeast of Perth.
DEC Albany district manager Mike Shephard said the report was being investigated, adding that even approaching a whale was crazy and illegal.

Memo to Mike Shephard: Some of us have approached whales, played with dolphins and once, memorably, fed a killer whale and rolled him over on to his side by that huge dorsal fin. He didn’t seem to be aware that it was ‘crazy and illegal’.
But then,that was before the days of jumped-up little greenoid apparatchiks who think they somehow ‘own’ nature–the habitats and the animals and plants– and dole out access to them from the Olympian heights of superior environmental wisdom….
Go screw yourself. The encounter was between the kid and the whale–he had the experience of a lifetime and the whale is unharmed. Now go find something useful to do, eh?

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