‘300km wall of fire’

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UPDATE:  Australia’s ABC – LIARS.

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26 Responses to ‘300km wall of fire’

  1. D.T. says:

    This happens every year . Why don’t we ( Australia ) own our own fleet of S64-E Skycranes for firefighting ? Instead of pissing money up against the wall in foreign aid buy what we need here.I notice the left giving Abbott heaps for fighting on the front line with his RFS mates. Just once I would like to see a green or a labor stooly do something for the community without the photo opp ( ala KRudd ). You would think by now living in an extreme weather country ( Australia ) we would actually learn something but it’s always the same each and every year.The greens don’t allow back burning and the fucking councils won’t let you chop a tree down that’s too close to the house.Instead the left scream ‘ climate change ‘……

  2. Odayu-sen says:

    Question: Why do the Aussies in fire-risk areas build in among the trees? It seems like they choose to live in a tinderbox.

    I guess the mitigating circumstances include:
    1) Trees provide shade
    2) Trees look nice near a house
    3) Trees prevent slope erosion
    4) Trees can provide a habitat for local wildlife

    Could someone more knowledgeable please enlighten me as to why you would choose in a dry bonfire of matchwood, waiting for a spark?

  3. thor42 says:

    As someone in the small country of New Zealand, I simply can’t grasp how huge a 300km-long fire is. Utterly mindboggling.

    I agree with D.T. The Aussie government has *got* to get serious about firefighting, and that means spending big money on things like Skycranes. As for the greens not allowing backburning – *stuff them*. Drop the bastards onto the front-line of these fires and get them to man the hoses themselves. If they refuse, drop them INTO the fires instead.

    Australia *knows* that it will have bushfires almost every year (just as we have earthquakes).
    Some serious ACTION and planning for them is long overdue.
    How many more decades will it take?

  4. Darin says:

    Dam rough situation,I read the article where the Skycranes were delayed for a bit,hope they roll into action soon.

  5. Ronbo says:

    I’m wondering about the responsibility of the Left for these horrible large forest fires :?:

    I know in California and other places here in the Western USA, the Greenies won’t allow controlled burns of the dead wood, cutting fire lanes, or clearing the debris out of the forests.

    It’s interesting that in the “bad old days” under unrestricted capitalism, when the countryside was private property, there was never a problem with large forest fires in the USA or Australia.

  6. KG says:

    Same here, pretty much.

  7. Brown says:

    I recall working around the Central Coast for three weeks a few years ago (after a big storm) and was gob smakcked by the vast quantities of huge gums overshadowing thousands of houses. The locals said you weren’t allowed to touch them even when they were at clear risk of falling over onto your house. Madness.

  8. Mathew says:

    A lot of these fires are also started by humans, unfortunately there are a lot of bastards and young shitbags out there who have useless parents or don’t care about the lives they’re going to threaten.

    We won’t get tough on the greenies or the criminal scum out there so i suppose we’ll just have to keep fighting the fires and occasionally losing to them.

  9. KG says:

    Grrrr…in today’s News.com:
    After Victoria, one of the clearest things that emerged was that many people died when they fled their homes at the last minute..”

    No mention of the role the Greens, bureaucrats and fucking politicians played in those deaths. :evil:
    Bastards. The Memory Hole is very convenient for some, isn’t it.

    • D.T. says:

      Too right KG and not one politician or PC cop ( Christine Nixon ) has been charged . I mean they have more important things to do like lunch and a hairdresser date.
      I hate the left………..

  10. KG says:

    You and me both, D.T.

  11. KG says:

    ‘..Looks to me one air crane helicopter costs around $2m per year to lease and operate. If we spent “only” $500m on the ABC instead of a billion a year we could run 250 of these air cranes right now saving people’s homes and lives. I don’t think there is 250 in existence but I am sure the good people at Erickson would be more than happy to build them!..’


    Save lives! Defund the ABC!

    • thor42 says:

      Good call, K.G.

      I agree with Findalis too. I wouldn’t be surprised if a few Muslim scumbags are responsible for setting these fires.

      • KG says:

        Well, there was a deal of evidence that they started the catastrophic fires in Greece a few years back and muslims openly boasted that they had another weapon to use against the infidel. That kind of disappeared from the news, but there’s no doubt in my mind that bushfires will be used as a weapon by the bastards.

        • Wombat says:

          I gave that some thought and then realized it would be great!

          Think about it. Every summer the Jihadists bypass all forms of environmental bureaucracy and light fires that never grow too large because there’s been no buildup of fuel since the fires they set last year.

          Sounds like a win!

  12. KG says:

    :shock: Genius! http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_yahoo.gif

  13. KG says:

    But we need a big fuel load around Canberra….

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      What, you think there might be a shortage of dead wood around Canberra?

      • KG says:

        I just don’t want ’em fleeing for the exits at the first whiff of eucalyptus smoke, Gantt.
        Barriers will be necessary. :twisted:

  14. KG says:

    Then there’s another source of fuel:
    ‘The ABC finds an academic prepared to go that extra mile in clown shoes to link child arsonists in NSW to global warming:
    JANET STANLEY, MONASH SUSTAINABILITY INSTITUTE: With a child it might just be an accident, you know, it’s fun to watch a fire. You light it and in the circumstances that we’ve got at the moment with climate change it gets away when it probably wasn’t meant to get away.’
    (via Andrew Bolt)