Memo to Christiana Figueres:

Go screw yourselves.
Liars are bad enough, but lying parasitical busybodies such as you ought to be hanging by the neck, not presuming to interfere in a country’s sovereign rights.

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4 Responses to Memo to Christiana Figueres:

  1. Wombat says:

    Of course! We never had any really bad bushfires until recently, did we?

    These dipshits will seize on any event with even the most tenuous link to weather patterns in order to sell their snake oil.

  2. Michael in Nelson says:

    What a maroon! Are you sure her name isn’t ‘Chicken Little’?

    The ignorance of the alarmists never ceases to amuse and astound me. If the media would just do their jobs these idiots would be the laughing stock they should be.

  3. KG says:

    Michael, I don’t for one minute think she’s ignorant of the facts.
    She’s just another opportunist scumbag with a very, very comfortable elitist lifestyle, paid for by you and me.

  4. Darin says:

    I wish I had a video camera when I listened to a lecture from a USGS anthropologist on the Indian tribes of the southwestern US.
    He said there were as many as ten tribes who either died out or migrated to other areas of the continent because the southwest went through a drought that lasted 26 years sometime between 1300 and 1400 AD.

    I guess it must have been CO2 emissions that caused it and a carbon trading scheme scam might have saved them. :roll: