‘Those, like, totally weird constitutionalists’

Mark J. Fitzgibbons:

‘Dahlia Lithwick, who sports both a Yale undergrad and Stanford law degree, is senior editor and legal guru at Slate magazine. Yesterday she wrote this comment, which I find stunning:
“I have been fascinated by Christine O’Donnell’s constitutional worldview since her debate with her opponent Chris Coons last week. O’Donnell explained that “when I go to Washington, D.C., the litmus test by which I cast my vote for every piece of legislation that comes across my desk will be whether or not it is constitutional.” How weird is that, I thought. Isn’t it a court’s job to determine whether or not something is, in fact, constitutional? And isn’t that sort of provided for in, well, the Constitution?”  ‘

seems the Constitution is now the property of lawyers and the courts…..

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