Nobody hates like the left.

leftist media on Tony Abbott
These people are not just evil. They’re insane.

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11 Responses to Nobody hates like the left.

  1. Ronbo says:

    “The aging baby boomers at Fairfax see themselves as still the young activist demonstrators of the sixties and seventies. That sort of attitude may sit well enough on a twenty-year old, but it looks ridiculous on the aged.

    Time has left them on the ash-heap of history, but they just can’t see it.

    That mirror must be Dorian Gray’s.”

    This pretty much summarizes the American Left as well – The degenerate and evil Old Guard Commies are rapidly aging and they are NOT on the right of history.

    Tomorrow belongs to the individual – not to the collective and/or Big Government.

  2. Darin says:

    May as well name it-
    A.D.S. short for Abbott Derangement Syndrome.

    Similar to B.D.S. and P.D.S. (Bush and Palin degrangment syndrome respectively)

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      We’ve already had Howard Derangement Syndrome, Darin.

      Abbott is far worse than Howard. Or Bush. Or even Palin. He is the scariest monster ever to stalk the ProgLib landscape. He is … The AbbottAbbottAbbott!

  3. KG says:

    Super-fit. Religious. Family man with three daughters. Volunteer firefighter and worker in Aboriginal communities. Principled, very, very smart. Puts Australia first. Doesn’t believe in climate change……
    What’s not to hate?

  4. GW says:

    The left’s entire schtick is emotion. Visit any left wing site and you will find precious little rational argument; it is pure vitriol and hatred coupled with the occasional tear jerker story. It is cynical beyond belief. Unfortunately, the reality is that most people are far more amenable to an emotional argument than a rational one. The right really needs to figure that out and make its arguments on an emotional level.

    • KG says:

      As long as “the Right” remains the Republican faux opposition those arguments won’t be made. Because the leadership of the party is perfectly happy to lose elections, provided the incumbents continue to enjoy the privileges and profits of office even in “opposition”.
      The whole thing is a sham, a shadow-play and a perversion of democracy.

  5. Mathew says:

    I just hope that enough Australians will see through the hate and bile the left will heap on Abbott in the coming years. It will be a tough ask given what the left will stoop to.

    • KG says:

      Out where we live, Gillard’s gang are hated widely–any sympathy for Labor is an urban thing, believe me.

  6. mawm says:

    Paul Calandra, Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister, issued the following statement on behalf of the Government of Canada

    “Canada applauds the decision by Prime Minister Abbott to introduce legislation to repeal Australia’s carbon tax. The Australian Prime Minister’s decision will be noticed around the world and sends an important message.

    “Our government knows that carbon taxes raise the price of everything, including gas, groceries, and electricity. Prime Minister Abbott has said that, in Australia, the repeal of the carbon tax will reduce the average household’s cost of living by (in Australian dollars) $550 a year, take $200 off household power bills and $70 off gas bills.

    “Our government has reduced greenhouse gas emissions while protecting and creating Canadians jobs – greenhouse gas emissions are down since 2006, and we’ve created 1 million net new jobs since the recession – and we have done this without penalising Canadian families with a carbon tax.”