“We will fundamentally tranform America”

‘Abject Surrender by the United States’
Not so much a surrender, as a historic blow against Israel by the muslim poodle in the White House.

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12 Responses to “We will fundamentally tranform America”

  1. Glad you are back–
    I was “virussed” or hacked last week -so- went to Chrome – will be calling on someone to get rid of the virus- in the mean time- comments and postings will be limited…
    Hope all is well-

  2. Ronbo says:


    Did you get your virus by way of Firefox :?:

    A few months ago I downloaded what I thought was Firefox from bogus website that put one heck of a nasty adware virus on my laptop.

    However, a friend of mine had a son going to college in computer science and cleared things up just for the experience of virus removal.

    So I would suggest you use your family/friends network to see if someone has a CS student or computer geek willing to do the job for free, otherwise you may have to pay a computer professional large dollars for virus removal.

    Of course, you could do what I did to my first computer that got a virus back in 2001 and throw it away and buy a new one. :mrgreen: Expensive to be sure, but effective :!:

  3. It did get the virus via Firefox–
    I’m using Chrome to access my sites and read the blogs–
    Thinking seriously of getting an Apple lap – and taking lessons-to become more savy–I understand that Apple gives un-limited ‘tutoring’ for $99 for a year…

  4. KG says:

    Carol, Gecko has an Apple lap and she loves it. (I use a Mac desktop and there’s no way ever I’d go back to any Microsoft operating system).
    Her first reaction when she bought it was to think there was something wrong, because “it can’t be this simple!”
    But it is. :grin:

  5. mawm says:

    “Today the world became a much more dangerous place because the most dangerous regime in the world made a significant step in obtaining the most dangerous weapons in the world.” – Bibi.

  6. KG says:

    Aided by the most laughable Nobel “peace prize” winner in the world…

  7. Ronbo says:


    I hated Obama long before it was cool :!: http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_good.gif

  8. Ronbo says:

    OPPS :!: That should read, “Now don’t get ME started on Obama :!::mrgreen:

    Did I tell you guys I really, really, REALLY hate Obama :?: :mrgreen:

  9. Darin says:

    It’s an extension of the Clinton “give away the store”diplomacy that worked so well with NKorea. :roll:

    The only reason the Iranians came hat in hand to the table was because their backs were broken and this fool gives them an out instead of going for the kill. :evil:

  10. Mathew says:

    It’s not only Israel that’ll pay the price for this sort of stupidity. Just a side note – Israel should have seen this coming, i hope they did and have made their own arrangements to take care of themselves. The message is crystal-clear to all – No nation should be outsourcing their security to the whims of the American electorate. It was a blessing in the past and we thank them for it, but it’s not their job and it’s simply not sustainable.

    Coming back to my point, assuming the Iranians go ahead with their nuclear shenanigans, America will also pay for this, they don’t run around chanting – death to America – in downtown Tehran every week cos they just love uncle Sam.

    I know they’ll go after Israel first, muslims will never be happy to live on their own without having their favorite punching bags around, but as history has shown us, once the Jews are gone, they’ll come for us next. They won’t change their ways and sooner or later we’ll have to stop bending, slithering and betraying our friends.

    On the plus side for obama, he’ll be long gone by the time the chickens come home to roost, and besides it’s not like his tarts & skanks in the MSM will ever blame him for anything he does. He’ll always have misspoke or was misunderstood.

  11. Mathew says:

    I read yesterday that in the negotiations that obama is pretending he made iran his bitch, except he’s the one that came back with lashes on his ass, the Americans didn’t even bring up the matter of the pastor being held by the mullahs over there.

    Why would anyone be surprised, he’s the fellow that tossed his ambassador and 3 other Americans to the jackals over in Libya and he was at least a familiar acquaintance. Why would he give a flying f#$% about a Christian pastor caught in the land of peace and tolerance.

    Pray for all those he’s sold out and he’s still going to sell out before his term is finally up.