Homosexual activism, hijacked by the hard left

‘Hypocrites hating Abbott to death’

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4 Responses to Homosexual activism, hijacked by the hard left

  1. Wombat says:

    Ahh. Noodle-limbed, pencil-necked uni pussies talking smack about how bad-ass they’re gonna be when the people rise up. A hundred thousand Che Guevaras in a revolutionary holding pattern, building their combat prowess through a strict regimen of drug use and hackey sack.

    My knees knock in terror. :roll:

  2. Darin says:

    Like every other lefty protest group,they just don’t get that when they get violent and nasty with their rhetoric the people who they are trying to appeal to tune them out.

    Makes no difference the group,social,environmental or political taking a digusting vile tone drives people away.The much maligned by the MSM Teaparty rallies were so sucessful because they kept the message positive and the crowds kept them polite and clean.