This is what it looks like. Note especially the “job” description of one of the organizers….
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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Pb. 3000fps.
They seem so angry that a democratic election was held. Must be hard for them, knowing they have all the answers and democracy isn’t one of them.
Even as they rely on the right to free speech.
The very right they tried so hard to remove, under Gillard.
These people are irony-proof, Zen.
I don’t get it. Why do they want Tony Abbott to have sex ?
I don’t know what it is about lefties, they’re obsessed with sex, i’ve read various outbursts from these leftie toddles about Tony Abbott and you can bet it almost always involves some sort of sexual activity. It’s either accusing him of masturbating or performing oral sex on someone.
And it’s not just him, it’s anyone they hate, recently a Conservative was photo shopped having sex with a dog. I don’t know why but that’s all lefties think about.
Perhaps lefties are angry, ugly virgins who can’t get anyone to sleep with them, or they’re simply whoring themselves to anyone and everyone out there in the hope one of them might grow to love them.
Kinda sad and pathetic when you think about it.
@ Zen T – reasoning with someone like her is pointless. It’s time for a few productive citizens to wade in with a baseball bat.
‘No offshore detention gulags’. I suppose the girl loves it to be raped .
Sultan Knish has the perfect post on how the Left would deal with the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor….just like they deal with the Islamist threat today
Brilliant! Just bloody perfect, Michael.
But it’s not just the left, is it? There are plenty of so-called conservatives who are apologists for (and appeasers of) those bastards.
KG, I do not recognise ‘so-called’ as conservatives. Traitors yes, conservatives no.
(Just be glad you didn’t say that to Medusa, you’le be lucky to escape with half your skin )
Yes indeed.
“…union members and socialist groups…”
In other words – f**kwit LOSERS.
Someone should just take them out behind some shops and machinegun the bastards. Oxygen-thieves.
Damn right.
Just like most of the left wing protests.
One sorta-hot chick and a thousand limp-dick uni-boys trying to impress her by turning up.
You can always tell when a conservative is in office by the number of stupid children on the street protesting.