Open house

Off to Townsville around Sunday, and there’s a cyclone on the way.
UPDATE: Not much of a cyclone, so far

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47 Responses to Open house

  1. KG says:

    If you have time, take a look at this:
    (The first few paragraphs will do)
    and then, a response from a columnist in the Daily Telegraph…..
    Here’s how slimy leftists try to control debate by sneers and innuendo and by distorting facts. This bastard is a prime example.
    The first fifty comments (well, most of them) give me some cause for hope that all is not lost.

    • Wombat says:

      Screw the article. Look at the picture of that limberdick hipster cocksucker.
      I’m going to laugh when the crash reasserts natural selection on those open-suit clad, fashionably disheveled little bitches. :twisted:
      I’ve seen terminal cancer patients with more vigor and masculinity than that pathetic specimen, and half of those were women.
      He looks like an Auschwitz survivor that’s been tossed into a thrift store clearance rack.

      Need I go on? :lol:

    • Ronbo says:


      I think national debt that is caused in large part because American labor has become too expensive will end when the factories in the USA can be staffed by robots.

      The downside is that 75% of today’s work force will be laid off due to competition by robot labor.

      • KG says:

        Dunno, Ronbo. If large corporations can import enough immigrants,labour costs will drop anyway. And remember, immigrants are also consumers…it’s a win/win for business.
        And I think national debt is caused more by political corruption and welfare – both corporate and individual – than merely labour costs.

        • Darin says:

          It’s already happened long ago thanks mostly to Union labor.In 1970 GM had exactly one robotic welding arm.By 1986 they had 33,000 and no telling how many they have now.
          That’s why even with the piss poor economy we have rightnow manufacturing output is at an all time high.People just aren’t needed to handle unskilled tasks anymore and the rest of those jobs are going to China and Vietnam.

  2. Ronbo says:

    I’ve just discovered the Australian Tea Party:

    It’s nice to see a good idea spreading in the world :!:

    • KG says:

      Yep. But it’s a pity they’re not getting more traction, Ronbo. Looking at the Oz media, you wouldn’t know they existed and like it or not, most people still get their “news” from those sources.

  3. KG says:

    Pot, meet kettle:
    ‘We have a Constitution’: Boehner warns Obama on exec orders

  4. KG says:

    Pete Seeger dead. Good riddance.
    ‘Seeger was a member of the Communist Party from the 1930s through the 1950s. He left the party but never gave up the faith. He told the Washington Post in 1995 “I am still a communist.” Like his comrades and fellow travelers Seeger twisted and turned with every pronouncement from Moscow. Seeger supported the Nazi-Soviet Pact, a curious position for a noted “anti-fascist.” In 1941 Seeger along with Guthrie was a member of the Almanac Singers, a communist folk group…’ and so on.

    • Wombat says:

      Are you hearing the ABC coverarage?

      I shit you not, “…and it seems that during the McCarthy era he was somehow labeled as a communist”.

      Uhhh, no shit? Maybe because he SAID he was a communist and joined the fucking party? :roll:

      “A tireless advocate for social justice”, they say, right before an advert about how the ABC is the most trusted source of news, because it’s “free of bias and agenda”.

      I nearly ripped the god-damn radio out of the console. :evil:

  5. KG says:

    ‘Cyclists now want cars off the road
    CYCLISTS fed up with being squeezed off city streets have a dramatic solution to their problem: Boot the cars out.’
    Here’s an idea–boot the damn moving speed bumps off the roads motorists pay for. Any other vehicle travelling so slowly and erratically would be regarded as a road hazard.

  6. KG says:

    ‘Lorde tees off over ‘lecherous gaze’…’
    From what I’ve seen, she’s damn lucky there’s somebody out there who finds her that attractive. Or interesting.
    Just another boring teen poptart, promoted far beyond her real worth by a clever agent.

  7. Wombat says:

    Found this in the comments at WRSA.

    Brilliant stuff.

    • KG says:

      Sure is. I’ve followed Bill Whittle since the early days of Eject! Eject! Eject! and he’s always been brilliant.

  8. KG says:

    News headline:
    ‘Obama champions US middle class’
    Bullshit. Look at what the prick does, not at the teleprompter.

  9. KG says:

    ‘IT’S enough to make you wish you never got out of bed – random roadside saliva tests to catch fatigued drivers.

    The tests are one of the big goals of a new multimillion-dollar research project aimed at waking up dozy Australians.

    Driver sleepiness causes two in ten serious car crash injuries in Australia, says Monash University Professor Shantha Rajaratnam, the project’s research leader.’
    FUCK OFF. It’s almost impossible–no, impossible–to travel the distances necessary when living in the country without being fatigued at some point.
    I suspect this is a gummint grant looking for an excuse to harass drivers even more than the bastards do already.
    Whatever happened to “reasonable cause”? Oh, I forgot–this is for “safety” and if it’s for safety or the children even the gulag is justified, da?

    • Wombat says:

      Stay clean and beat the drug test :| or do a little meth and beat the fatigue test. :shock:

      One of the great things about living beyond the suburbs is that the coppers rarely set up cameras, and I’ve never run across a random breatho yet.

      The city coppers parked an unmarked car with a speed camera in it just out of town about a year ago and it was torched on day one. It was a moment in time I even now draw great inspiration from. Regardless of the arsonists motivation the effects were clear. The assumption was that someone didn’t want to get a ticket in the mail, yet despite the fact that the police claimed the camera’s data was preserved to my knowledge nobody has been charged for the crime.
      Also, they haven’t put any more cameras on the road. I guess they figure the cost/benefit ratio for this little piece of Hazard County has become unfavorable… :mrgreen:

      • KG says:

        “The city coppers parked an unmarked car with a speed camera in it just out of town about a year ago and it was torched on day one.” As it should have been.
        I’ve used amphetamines for very long trips in the past and I’m still convinced that it was safer than being very fatigued, and their use was only occasional.
        Buggered if I think bureaucrats and politicians have either the knowledge or the wisdom to make those decisions for me. :evil:

  10. KG says:

    “I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do. I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them” –Robert Heinlein

  11. KG says:

    Hmmm…not much of a cyclone. So far, just some minor flooding and strong winds.

    • Ronbo says:

      I’m a typical Yank and I have no problem picking out the flag that represents New Zealand from the Australian flag, so that argument is a non-starter :!: :???:

      • KG says:

        The main objective is to get rid of the hated British flag. And the fucking fern is to appease the primitives. They may as well have a silver grass skirt on a black background.

        • Octagongrappler says:

          Key is the most liberal PM in the history of NZ, It is incredible what this man believes/does! :twisted: