..No scheme of government that dismisses the metaphysical inviolability of individuals’ natural rights, or that fails to provide stiff constraints upon agencies of pre-indemnified coercion for the protection of those rights, has any claim to legitimacy…’
says Francis Porretto, who nails the question perfectly – as usual.
And this should be inscribed on sheets of sandpaper, rolled up and inserted in the appropriate orifice of every damn statist/collectivist/authoritarian on the planet:

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10 Responses to ‘WHO DECIDES?

  1. Ronbo says:

    Clearly, the U.S. Federal Government has evolved into a totalitarian beast that cannot be reformed by peaceful means. :shock:

    • KG says:

      If that isn’t clear to people by now, then we have no hope of fixing it by peaceful means. And it’s not just the U.S. government.

      • Ronbo says:

        I agree: It’s a planetary crisis. George Orwell’s hideous “Oceania” which was the old British Empire plus the United States is taking shape before our eyes – The European Union will no doubt be joined by The North American Union – and both merged to form “Oceania.”

  2. Redbaiter says:

    The problem is not so much a tyrannical government but the ignorant statists who vote it into power.

    We are reaping the rewards of a derelict education system. Purposefully destroyed by the left, it has produced a few generations of drooling idiots who will never get it and are quite happy to support tyranny, in their ignorance.

    Now these generations are at voting age. The socialist ghouls far outnumber the educated. Obama and the rest of the progressive trash that governs the west are the natural outcome of this situation.

    • Ronbo says:


      In the United States the MAJORITY (believe it or not!) still support the U.S. Constitution, limited government, and capitalism – and this after over 100 years of Progressive B.S. being thrown in their faces by the Big Media, Big Academia and Big Government.

      I don’t what the figures were to support Woodrow Wilson’s Progressives in 1913, but I’d say they are likely about the same then as now with about one-third of the people supporting the Progressives and two-thirds in support of the Republic.

      The truth is the “Red Front” may be very popular with the minority of elites and their parasites, but among the people who really count in this country they are hated more and more with every passing day.

      • Wombat says:

        Your gun laws are testament to your optimism.

        Ask the average Joe on the street whether a convicted felon should be able to own a gun after he’s paroled. Even ask them if an upstanding citizen should be allowed to own a claymore or an RPG7. You’ll see that support for the plain english of the Constitution is dead and buried.

  3. KG says:

    That rare beast, a politician who “gets it”:
    ‘….Each step along the authoritarian’s path leads inexorably to the next one. Eventually people are so infantilised that they cannot take decisions for themselves and need the benevolent State to guide them….’
