“Of African Appearance”

and another
and another

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26 Responses to “Of African Appearance”

  1. Mathew says:

    I guess we also have to get to the stage of publicly proclaiming that we all hate racism, but back home around the kitchen table we tell our kids to avoid groups of black males, when we go house hunting we quietly look for the less multi-culti surburbs and schools and perhaps cut back on the midnight walk-abouts dear.

    Thanks to those who fervently fight for womens rights and all that, many more will have to pay the price and many more will have to learn reality the hard way.

    Oh and all that feminist nonsense about every woman having the right to this and that…. well you might want to reevaluate all that.

    And that multi-culti nonsense about….. well you get my drift.

  2. KG says:

    I do indeed get your drift, Mathew.
    This kind of thing will only get worse, until the husbands and fathers responsible for the safety f their loved ones start getting together and hunting down these bastards. Then beating the living daylights out of a few of them and leaving them wrapped in barbed wire on the nearest lamp post, with a sign around their necks.
    Just as in Sweden, Norway and Britain, the problem will not be fixed by the police and the courts. The police and the courts have amply demonstrated what their approach leads to.

    • Findalis says:

      Then beating the living daylights out of a few of them and leaving them wrapped in barbed wire on the nearest lamp post, with a sign around their necks.

      That is not strict enough. How about tearing off their testicles first? After all from the looks of these creatures they are sub-human Muslims. Thus castration first.

      And remember to pour pig’s blood down their throats before killing them.

  3. K2 says:

    Legalized concealed carry. Especially for women.

  4. Flashman says:

    I notice the earlier “of african appearance” qualifier is omitted from the latest NZ fairfax report.

    • KG says:

      What a surprise… :evil: Can’t have people making their own minds up, based on the evidence, can we?

    • Cadwallader says:

      The usual term in NZ is of “Polynesian appearance” and this applies about 100% 0f the time.

  5. Barry says:

    Why on earth does Australia let pigs such as these in in the first place!

  6. mawm says:

    Until such time as it is less comfortable for them to live amongst us than it is where they come from, they will keep on coming ………. and bringing their (lack of ) values with them.
    Funny how their lack of respect for life and women at home hasn’t translated in lovely warm fuzzy feelings in a hand-wringing, socialist-welfare society.

  7. Wombat says:

    African appearance, eh?

    Must be some white Sith Ifriken farmer en elidays. Etherways they’d hev jest sid blick, rrayt? :roll:

    • dondiego says:

      Wombat, are you the big bearded bloke I was talking to in Surfers on the way to, and the next day, at the V8s?
      Mentioned knowing the different peoples routines there and a (very)quick run to the post office…

      • dondiego says:

        Edit: “there” is Tasmania, although Hazzard County wasn’t mentioned-

        • Wombat says:

          Sorry, mate. I’m neither big and bearded nor big bearded (and of regular stature).
          I’m clean shaven (can’t grow a beard to save my life) and of medium build, at least compared to the country lads in the vicinity.
          Haven’t been to QLD for four years or so, and I don’t expect I’ll return. It’s too hard to avoid looking at the eye-candy while the wife is present. :mrgreen:

    • mawm says:

      There is no need to comment that the race of these men is not mentioned. African men have this idea that they can just have sex with any woman whenever they want. There is no concept of consent – that is a Western construct.

      Must be some white Sith Ifriken farmer en elidays. Etherways they’d hev jest sid blick, rrayt? This coming from an Australian who has English as a first language :roll: …….enough said.

      • Wombat says:

        There’s english and there’s inglish. Aside, I hope you realise that my post was in jest.

      • andy5759 says:

        Yeah, got the parody. African males do indeed see women as sexual targets. On a London bus once, an African stood over a 10yo girl openly masturbating. WTF!! Not on, not here .

  8. Mathew says:

    On the evening news they broke the story saying racial tensions were high after the gang rape of a 14 year old girl. Off course they had to get that out of the way, first make sure the imaginary racists are kept in line, then look to catching the rapists. Priorities in the modern west.

    Also in the story i got the impression from looking at the people and also from the radio that this suburb is one of the more multi-cultural parts of Sydney, shock-horror. Another odd thing is that, apart from the fact that this 14 year old was walking about at 11pm at night is that apparently 2 of her friends were with her.

    According to the story, the 3 of them were walking along and she fell behind them for some reason, then got jumped by some african fellow who raped her before 5 of his mates joined and it was over in 30 minutes.

    Something doesn’t add up, unless off course times have slid so far down into the shit pit since i was growing up. I mean last time i checked if i was walking with some friends through some dark park at night and one of them disappears, someone had to go back for them. Instead of heading home for a nice sleep in, only after tweeting that your worthless self was going to sleep off course.

    • Wombat says:

      Likely her “friends” had told her to slag off during one of their bitch-fits, but of course I’m sure they rallied around her ASAP after they realised what had happened, lest anyone unfriend them on facebook in retribution for their callous stupidity.
      Three early teen girls out at 11pm in a shitty suburb. We’re not talking sense and sensibility here.

  9. andy5759 says:

    We were all the same at that age, even my generation, let the devil take the hindmost . That is why we have stereotypes. Beware of the man skulking in the shadows, perchance he may be up to no good for the nonce. (Nonce, lovely word, that, means summat else now).