
‘Two ‘petite’ police firearms officers set to receive £35,000 each because their guns were too big for their hands
Victoria Wheatley and Rachael Giles, pictured arriving at the employment tribunal in central London, are set to receive payouts of £35,000 each after complaining their guns were too big for their small hands. The pair won a sex discrimination case on the grounds they could not reach the trigger. Both claimed their reputations were damaged because their unsuitable equipment – a Glock 17 – meant they received lower marks than men in firing range tests.

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33 Responses to Madness!

  1. HarvardPotatoHead says:

    !!!+++!!!You5rs very trulilily is bereft of vocabluaryular this seems like BlackBerry’s target range IIIIEEEEE!!!!here cum Diplomatic Pouch run oh jeeze run iieeee

  2. andy5759 says:


    The cunts would complain that their condoms are too big. Fuck me, whatever next?

    Sorry about that Cap’n, me craw’s bin got.

    Nice Woodpile Report this week, btw.

    • KG says:

      No apology necessary, Andy. You said it for all of us, I think.
      Yep, this week’s Woodpile is a beauty. :grin:

  3. KG says:

    Riding around Brisbane in a black convertible Mustang and eating out……we’re a long way from the Western cattle country right now.
    We miss it.

  4. Wombat says:

    I gut-laugh, merrily.

    Notice that they didn’t complain about getting lower scores than their larger female counterparts. Could Manny the midget also sue for the same reason or would that fall of deaf ears, being that he’s a man?

    Every new affront to the common sense and dignity of the West has taken on an air of comedy in my eyes. There’s just no damn point in getting angry any more because anger is only useful when you plan to fight something, and there’s no fighting this lunacy.

    Whenever these idiots engage in their collective idiocy I simply cast my mind to a time and a place not far from now when the financial markets crash for good and they’re left with no marketable skills or supplies whatsoever.
    Nature doesn’t do “payouts” for failure, and I for one will be glad to see a return to her standards.

  5. The Gantt Guy says:

    If they can’t handle a Glock 17, or a truncheon, or a silly hat, or black brogues, then what the hell are they doing in the force in the first place? They are unsuited to the job, being unable to weild the required tools. :roll:

    Britain is LOST.

  6. Robertv says:

    Driving a car also must be difficult for them if you can’t reach the accelerator and see the road at the same moment.

    • Mathew says:

      That lawsuit is still pending. The police hierarchy tried to accommodate their needs with battery powered mopeds that the old folks use to get around, but these two complained that the other cops were making fun of them, bullying, harassment…. you know the rest, only free money will make these parasites happy.

  7. Now that story about Sheriff Woody from the film Toy Story makes sense. Apparently his gun was taken by Heathrow security to be given to one of these women. At least one of the girls is happy.

  8. Tom says:

    look to me to be a pair of lessies

  9. the conservative says:

    This kind of shit just makes me want to pull my hair out. On the one hand they are equal; on the other, they aren’t–I just wish they would make their f****n minds up.

  10. Wombat says:

    Ironically these women will never be able to be partnered with anyone nor fired, so they’ll almost certainly be promoted to a desk job.

    The system works!

  11. Darin says:

    New sign at the Copper school-


    Lessee,where to begin-
    First off if they couldn’t cope with the “bullying and humiliation” received for their obviously inferior marksmanship,then by default they had no business carrying a weapon in the firstplace.

    Second,luckily for their fellow officers these two will be off the patrol force having proven they are incapable of handling a firearm let alone using it should the need arise.

    Third,not only is the payout ridiculous,but this will only open the door to a whole raft of similar complaints from other officers.Everything from paper cuts from the ticket books to erectile disfunction costing the taxpayers tens of millions.

    Fourth Great Britain is as the Brits say completely Stuffed!

  12. Darin says:

    “Black convertible Mustang”-Bastard! :mrgreen:

  13. Oswald bastable says:

    Too big indeed!

    My 5’2″ wife is perfectly happy with her S&W ‘K’ frame .357 and has no problem with a 1911, .45 Peacemaker or an 1858 Remington.
    Shoots my P-38 better then I can, too!

    • Ronbo says:

      God made men and woman short, medium and tall. He made them weak and strong. He made them ugly and beautiful. He made them dumb and intelligent…

      But Mr. Sam Colt made everyone equal. :mrgreen:

  14. Flashman says:

    I have seen a NZ female plod miss a static cardboard target at 25 metres…and at 20 metres…and at 10 metres. Finally she “met her qualification standard” when the target was moved to about 5 metres (point blank) range.

    Cops ‘n guns…freakin’ terrifying.

    • Oswald Bastable says:

      Showed a group of cops how I could consistently hit a steel target (admittedly a 1/2 sized buffalo silhouette) at 200 meters with an 1847 Walker Colt.

      That was a jaw-dropper for them! :mrgreen:

  15. Tom says:

    Those two dont need guns,they are scary looking enough as is.

  16. Phil Stephenson says:

    I feel like puking. Neither of them looks particularly “petite” in the photograph. Inadequacy it would seem now has it’s own rewards. On the bright side, it’s now less likely that a real, working cop, male or female, will be working alongside either of them.

  17. Mathew says:

    Once you’re done laughing at these 2 idiots, you have to cry at the sad state of the UK for even entertaining a claim like this.

    When you’re done with that think on this, the people of the UK gave up their guns and handed over their security to these types, really? Feeling safer people? Knowing that if you’re in the middle of a pack rape or beating and manage to call the coppers, it’s these two hurrying along to your rescue?

    On a different note, i wonder if the victim of an actual crime can sue these 2 if they fail to be of any use at stopping a rape or beating or whatever crime they’re dispatched to. Oh silly me, never mind i asked, I’m pretty sure the paper pushers would have long passed some sort of law (for your own good off course) to ensure that never happens.

    Funny how the true victims are almost always left whistling for some justice in this modern and progressive new world isn’t it.

    • KG says:

      “Funny how the true victims are almost always left whistling for some justice in this modern and progressive new world isn’t it.”
      Funny–and infuriating.