‘Bulldozers poised to target Mecca’

‘Fresh plans are being drawn up to erect a modern complex on the site of what scholars of Islam contend is the birthplace of the Prophet Muhammad…’
This is hilarious–the destruction/construction is to be carried out by the Binladin Group and is approved by the Saudi royal family, adherants of the Wahabbi sect, an “austere” branch of islam, according to the report. Using private jets with gold-plated bathrooms to jet off to shop in Harrods is apparently an austere lifestyle.
Demolish the damn thing and bring on the sectarian violence, I say. Buy popcorn.

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29 Responses to ‘Bulldozers poised to target Mecca’

  1. thor42 says:

    “Demolish the damn thing and bring on the sectarian violence, I say. ”


  2. Michael in Nelson says:

    buldozer? Better a nuke http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_cool.gif

  3. Michael in Nelson says:

    Bulldozer? A nuke would be better. http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_cool.gif

  4. Odakyu-sen says:

    My take is that the Wahabbi sect are not into “things” or “objects” such as historical artifacts, relics or ancient structures. They seem to venerate the “intangible” aspect of Mecca as a holy city. This means that they would have no qualms in bulldozing the entire old city and installing modern infrastructure to quadruple the throughput of annual pilgrims.

  5. Wombat says:

    You murderous barbarians. It would be far more civilised to simply blanket the area in radiation so that the reproductive capabilities of the undesirables in question was nipped in the proverbial bud.

    Certainly Charles Darwin would see the appeal. :mrgreen:

  6. Ronbo says:

    I can’t believe America didn’t nuke Mecca and Medina after 9/11 instead invading Iraq and Afghanistan, which was like the police blowing up the houses on either side of a mass
    murderer’s house, thus leaving him and his family alone.

    15 of the 19 Islamic terrorists on 9/11 were Saudis… :twisted:

    • Darin says:

      Yup,and I would have made that decision in the first 15 minutes after the attack.The islamic nuts have nothing to contribute to the modern world.

      • Ronbo says:

        Righto :!:

        What Bush should have done was the next day asked Congress for a declaration of war against Islamic terrorism – and he would have got it because the nation was in shock just like after Pearl Harbor.

        After that was done, I would have launched wave after wave of ICBMs on major Islamic cities and military bases – Mecca and Medina would have went up in the first wave of nukes along with Tehran and Kabul. Then would come second strike of nukes by way of cruise missiles and aircraft.

        Then a call up of all reserve and National Guard units. The draft would have been restored and an army and marine corps ground forces of 20 million men called to the colors and formed into over 200 infantry and armored units.

        The next stage would be ground invasions of all 57 Muslims countries with maximum destruction and civilian casualities. Saudi Arabia and the Iraqi oil fields seized and declared American occupation zone free of Muslims.

        While all this was going on I would have arrested and returned to their countries of origin all Muslims. All property belonging to Muslim-Americans would have been seized and given to charity.

        After the four year WW III against Islam would have been concluded on September 11, 2005 – I would declare victory and march the honor guards of the U.S. military thru Washington D.C. with Islamic battle and national flags at the front of the troops to be thrown down on the street in front of Capitol Building and burned.

        I can just see the survivors in the Muslim poking their heads out of rubble to see large American flags on poles with this sign underneath: “Muslim, do not fuck with America ever again, or we will return and kill every one of you”http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_good.gif

      • Findalis says:

        In one word why: OIL

  7. Darin says:

    Ron,too complicated,too expensive.

    All that’s needed are two Ohio class subs and about 9 warheads.The Muslim world would go from 1.2Billion down to about 300,000 in less than 20 minutes.Give the Muslims still here a choice,either renounce your faith and turn from your backward ways,or go home to the glow in the dark shithole of your choosing.

    After that tell Saudi that we now control OPEC and Muslim men can no long hold any positions of authority.Only women can rule,vote or even drive a car.

  8. The Gantt Guy says:

    Y’all are waaaaay overthinking things here. The National Guards and the Fifth Fleet could have taken care of the whole thing in short order.

    The 5th Fleet to take care of Mecca, Medina, Tehran, Kabul and any other moslem shite-holes, rendering them mounds of dust.

    iSlam proscribed as a terrorist organisation (which it is, on any reading of the quran).

    The National Guard units to round up domestic moslems and inter them into WWII-style camps. A one-time offer of free, one-way repatriation to their nation-of-origin. Any not taking that offer offered the choice of either apostasy or involuntary repatriation. Any moslem subsequently found guilty of any crime to be subject to immediate deportation. Any American citizen found engaging in iSlamic worship to immediately be rendered persona-non-grata, stripped of citizenship and shipped to the moslem shite-hole of his choice.

    Why Afghanistan and Iraq? The answer is the same as the answer to the question “Why was the only plane allowed to fly on 9/12/2001 packed with Saudi binLadins?” The answer: Oil and Bush.

    Bush was the wrong man to be President at that time in history. The only saving grace, if any, is that it didn’t happen under the Administrations of either his predecessor or successor. Or by now you’d all be answering the call of the mezzuin 5 times a day.

  9. KG says:

    What Gantt said. 100%.

  10. Darin says:

    Yup,pretty much me too,but Bush was the right person for the job even though he was a little too Christian to get the job done.

    Many people don’t realise just how big a bullet we dodged.Imagine it’s 9/12/01 and Al Gore is president.Nuff said.http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_cool.gif

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      A little too Christian? Only insofar as you define “Christian” as the lukewarm wussy pussified no-balls Uniting Church way.

      A proper, muscular Christian would have Walls-of-Jericho’d the whole cesspit. A proper, muscular Christian would never have been buddy-buddy with the Saudis in the first place. A proper, muscular Christian would never have coined the phrase “war on terror” as an obfuscation, out of fear of offending the muzzies. A proper, muscular Christian would have pointed out evil, called it by name (iSlam) and destroyed it in all its lairs.

      Instead (as Dinesh D’Souza predicted), we have iSlamic terrorists in charge of the world from North Africa to the Israel border, and another one running the US like his own personal caliphate.

      • Darin says:

        He chose the “bomb them to rubble and bash them over the head with kindness” road.That strategy only works if your successor follows through which obama clearly did not.

        That Bush was elected over gore delayed what we are seeing now by 8 years.If Gore had been president sharia would have replaced the Constitution by now.

  11. the conservative says:

    Drove past Mecca one day when I was over there–forgot to take a bomb–damn.

  12. Brown says:

    I’m a conservative but you guys are a bit scary. I have friends who worked in Afganistan and they said the locals were great and didn’t like the nutters anymore than you. Killing everyone sounds like Blackadder consulting the Wise Woman. That was funny because no one took it seriously.

    I like people and have some reservations killing a few million to get the 2% of arseholes is the answer.

  13. KG says:

    Scary? You need a harden up pill, Brown. :lol:
    Nobody here suggests killing a few million to get 2%. (and where did you get that figure from, by the way?)
    Some of us would kill 2 million in order to destroy an ideology which threatens the West, though.
    There is no such thing as a “moderate” muslim, because the ideology itself is not moderate. Is that simple fact too difficult for you to get your head around?

  14. The Gantt Guy says:

    Brown, (with a precursor apology for invoking Godwin’s Law) not all Germans were NAZIs either, but in the ’40s the Allies knew they were in an existential battle with evil and that to defeat it they were going to have to cause some damage to Germany, and to Germans (this after the NAZIs had rolled all over Europe and spent months bombing every major British city on a nightly basis). The Allies reduced Dresden and other German cities to mounds of rubble in order to eradicate the evil they faced.

    Not all Japanese supported the Emperor (although given it was a cult of personality, those that didn’t were vastly outweighed by those that did – kinda like muzzies in that respect), yet in order to put the Emperor and his suicide-bombers kamikaze pilots back in their box, the Americans unleashed hell on two Japanese cities.

    These days, Chamberlain would be hailed a statesman with Churchill reviled as a warmongering child-murderer.

    These days, not only do we not confront the evil we face (and we are at war with iSlam, even if only the muzzies realise it at this stage), not only do we not seek to defeat, let alone eradicate it, we don’t even recognise it as evil.

    If rendering the major moslem cities mounds of rubble either (a) eradicates iSlam from the world, or (b) makes the bastards sit up straight, arms folded, legs cross and be-fucking-have themselves, then sobeit. http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_cry.gif

  15. :sad: Islam is the religion of justice Read the Koran for a few minutes Stalmon it right
    Islam is not a religion for us it is a God who created everything
    The day of reckoning will come, it is safest to God Vsadkhal paradise forever and either enters the infidel fire forever
    I hope to understand Islam completely before judging

  16. dmacfour says:

    As a conservative… yall are batshit crazy. In WWII we blasted the shit out of Germany and Japan because we were at war with those countries. 99% of the people in those countries were backing up their military.

    I guess that justifies nuking a country we consider an ally because they having something in common with terrorists groups. Want to stir up a hornets nest? Bomb the shit out of a bunch of innocent people at religious site. Not only would we motivate people to join terrorist organizations, but we’d lose just about every ally we have on this earth.

    • KG says:

      We don’t have “allies”, only common interests. Seems to me you’d prefer to lose slowly than go down fighting – the modern metrosexual male disease.