From the article-
“In fact, with his denial of Truth, the leftist places his ideology where Truth should be: the center of his life. This ideology, which just reflects his emotions, anyway, then takes on the role of God. It becomes the ultimate arbiter, the fiction that becomes “fact.” This is why Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels once said, “National Socialism is a religion. …My Party is my church….” Like him, today’s leftists have repeated a big lie to themselves so often that it has become the “truth.”
This is news? Medusa and I and most of the readers here knew BO was not only uneducated but abysmally stupid as well years ago!
P.S. 5 months ago today…..
What a small consolation to Americans that he can at least -pretend- to be smart.
Bush couldn’t even do that.
Clinton was smart the same way successful serial rapists are smart.
Before that I was too young to take notice.
Unfortunately this is the staged battleground to which well meaning patriots of a low IQ tend to rally. In a few years time they’ll be bitching about Hillary, always with the implied assumption that everything will be OK just as long as they can get a Republican in the Whitehouse.
Take all the bitching about Barry. The millions upon millions of pages of anti-Obama whingeing. Add it all up. What does it amount to? Not a pinch of shit. In a few years he’ll be gone and the powers-that-be will replace him with a new political lightning rod for the well meaning conservative dupes to hurl bolts of scorn at.
If only Romney had won, right? He’d have ridden the Constitution onto Capitol Hill and smote the enemies of freedom with his sword of holy fire!
It’s not so much the article,but the trend that counts.The frequency of these articles is picking up and not all of them are coming from conservatives these days,THAT is a change.
“In a few years he’ll be gone and the powers-that-be will replace him with a new political lightning rod ”
Many of us are not convinved he will be gone in 2016.
I second the motion
I have been convinced since 2008 when B.O. won his first presidential victory that he would be, if the Progressive elites have anything to say about it, the first President For Life in American history.
I mean what’s to stop him? The 22nd Amendment that limits the president to two terms. What if he ignores it To date he was literally raped the U.S. Constitution with hardly a word from Congress or the Supreme Court, why wouldn’t they stand mute if announces that for one reason or another he cannot leave office
As I’ve said many before, I think Obama leaves office only if patriots carry his dead cold body out of the White House and throw it in the dumpster like the Chilean patriots did to Allende’s floppy in 1973.
There are the progressives (Stalin’s useful idiots) and then there are the elite powers that use progressivism as a means to totalitarianism.
They have no reason to keep Obama in power. Why give the patriots a line in the sand like that? They’ll do what they’ve always done. Post up a new target for the conservatives as soon as the old one gets ratty.
And if the mob that expects Obama to camp for life in the whitehouse has the wind dumped out of their sails when that happens, so much the better.
No, it’ll be business as usual, I can assure you.
(1) It’s the narrative, Wombat. Democrats=Smart, Republicans=Stupid. Bush 43 was the most stupid American President since Bush 41. And he was the stupidest President since Reagan. And man, that Reagan? He was dumb, dumb, dumb. (It remains a mystery how he defeated the Republican Establishment to get the nomination and then won 2 elections, carrying 49 states in his 2nd. A lesson to the Dems that it’s better to be the one who counts the votes, than to be the voter, I guess).
Gore: The most thinkingest thinker to even run for President. Slick Willie: Rhodes Scholar. King Barry: Harvard Law Professor who also did something at Occidental (allegedly).
(2) Bush 43 may have had something of a “folksy” way of talking, and prone to the occasional gaffe but he’s not a stupid man. He’s a graduate from Yale University and has an MBA from Harvard Business School (which we know, because he didn’t seal his academic records).
(2a) Get King Barry speaking without benefit of teleprompter (i.e. make him use his own words, rather than just play the part of someone else’s sock-puppet) and he’s a bumbling, barely-coherent, semi-literate moron. The Special Needs President!
(3) I don’t think anybody – much less anybody here – is naïve or silly enough to believe that if only there was a Republican in the WH, things would be different. The fact is, King Barry is just the latest in a long line of usurpers from BOTH PARTIES. Reagan, for all he saved the world, did so at the expense of introducing massive deficit spending which has never been subsequently reined in. Clinton and Bush 43 both stepped neatly around the Constitution when circumstances required. In fact, Presidents have been doing that since Wilson so Barry’s excesses are merely the latest in a long line of usurpations. It’s just that they have all coalesced in a single Emperor-President who actually believes his own press. After all, he has a pen and a phone. What’s the Constitution and the Congress against that? There was an article up on American Thinker a couple of days ago which talked about how nobody should expect the Republicans to do anything brave if they re-take the Senate this year, because there’ll be the Presidential election to think about, so they can’t afford to scare the horses. Then, if they control all of the government, they’ll need to start thinking about the mid-terms and not losing the House … and so it goes on.
(4) If only Romney had won? Did you notice there how fewer people came out to vote for Romney than voted for McCain? It’s interesting maths, actually. If the same number of people who voted for McCain had voted for Romney, Obama would not have won his second term (well, not without a few more dead people and illegals voting for him, anyway). Fewer people voted for Obama II than voted for McCain in ’08. So, I think there was a fairly clear message delivered to the milquetoast Republicans. Not that it will stop them in ’16, of course. The candidate will be (yet) another Bush, or the King Barry’s BFF – the Michelin Man from NJ or someone equally acceptable to the Republican Establishment and unacceptable to Republicans. And so, it will be another Clinton in the White House.
Big money Rules from behind the curtain and not We The People.
Like it was Big (american) money that got A Hitler in power.
All true. The only thing to do now is to withhold consent by refusing to vote and laying in supplies for the long(est) winter.
I like that – “not a pinch of shit”. Sums it up perfectly.
I had typed something up, but decided not to post it, really isn’t any point, like you said, at this point, it’s not worth a pinch of shit. Americans have decided on their various myths and fantasies, it’s their business, i’ll leave them to it.
I like to jump in there from time to time on the comments pages and try to drag my transpacific brothers back to reality.
I’m a sucker for lost causes like that.
The world we live in.
Thank you, Gantt Guy for making my case
1. The Republican Party under Teddy Roosevelt INVENTED Progressivism in the early 20th century and created the short lived “American Empire” after the Spanish-American War.
2. The Democrats said “Me Too” under Wilson in 1913 who became the second Imperial President in 1917 when he dragged America into WW I.
And things went downhill from there…
What happened in America happened to the Roman Republic, whose date of ending is still disputed by historians, some think a good case could be made that after the defeat of Carthage in the Second Punic War, Rome became an empire.
What we are seeing under Barack Obama is the end to the long endgame to what happened to the Roman Republic in the First Century B.C. – one man rule hidden under a thin screen of a constitution.
The question in my mind is who will be the man to follow Obama.
After all, in the jungle of our capital city – with its neo-Roman buildings of state – has many a potential Caesar and each thinking himself superior to Obama.
Hillary. No question. Who else is even close to a household name? No mistake, that’s all that matters. Not smarts. Not courage. Just celebrity.
America moved from reality into a changing (from day to day) fiction a long time ago, perhaps when they started thinking that a trillion dollars in debt is no big deal.
It would seem that no one escapes decline.
If you wrote a scene like this into a fiction book people would say it was not only contrived againt all odds but that it was racist to boot.
We should note that one of the dot points at the top of the article article states:
“Polar bear hunting is gang slang for a random attack on an unsuspecting victim.”
We’ll leave it to the audience to determine what word is clearly and blatantly missing from that sentence.
p.s. It wasn’t long before people started pointing out what “polar bear” really means, and after their comments got several hundred +1s it comes as no suprise that comments for the article have been disabled.
The “white guilt” thing ended for the average American the day the final Civil Rights Act was signed in 1964 that ended segregation.
The only whites still effected by this racist nonsense are Congressional Progressive Republicans living in Washington, D.C. who rubber stamp anything Obama wants done and refuse to remove his from office, because they are afraid The New York Times call them, “Racists!”
“The “white guilt” thing ended for the average American the day the final Civil Rights Act was signed in 1964 that ended segregation.”
Heck…. when I put up a post somewhere that criticises *Islam* and some ignorant left-wing git calls me “racist”, I almost fall over laughing! The morons!
Their most-frequently-used weapon – “racist” – is rapidly losing *all* of its sting.
It has become blunted from overuse like a rusty old knife. I believe this is *particularly* the case in Australia and New Zealand, where we on the Right are pretty good at calling out the lefties on their *BS*.
For those who don’t know about the arms deal that cost the Republic of South Africa an estimated R70 billion shortly after Nelson Mandela’s ANC government were handed the keys to the exchequer, there has been an on going attempt to uncover the corruption and the personal payments made to the ANC hierarchy by the BAE led consortium that provided submarines, corvettes and fighter jets that we’re not needed to the SA military.
Two of the major players in this deal have now died, Mandela and the then Minister of Defense Joe Modise. The first enquiry into the alleged wrong dealings was led by a Jewish ANC member of Parliament, Andrew Feinstein. Shortly after he started investigating the deal he resigned from Parliament and fled to England, scuppering the investigation. Several abortive attempts have been made since to get the investigation underway. Now that Mandela is dead Feinstein has broken his silence.
“To many, the arms deal was the point at which the ANC lost its moral compass,” he said in Pretoria.
“It was a point at which our prosecuting authorities, our various anti-corruption bodies were politicised by the governing party to protect its own members,” Feinstein said.
There can be no doubt that Mandela made a personal fortune from this deal. The recent much publicised release of his will was an abridged version, and was announced as such. His true wealth has been hidden from public view and a supplicant press has not asked any questions.
The truth about the arms deal will not surface as long as Zuma and the other senior ANC members are living. They are true to form – African Marxist kleptocrats no different to the dozens that have preceded them.
O-butthead? **Educated???**
He wouldn’t know about education if it jumped up and bit him in the *backside*.
Now, **indoctrination** – that’s a different matter…..