Knife wielding terrorists kill 33 and wound over a hundred more-
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I bet it was a black, high capacity assault knife!
Obviously one capable of poking hundreds of holes a second too.
Bloody Hell! Chinese Presbyterians! Whoever heard of such a thing!
Whoa! Hold on,let’s not rush to judgment there Gantt,it could have very well been Buddhists that did this.Or Teaparty members,yeah,that’s it,had to have been those white,racist,bible thumping teabaggers again.
Teabaggers? Racists? IT’S BUSH’S FAULT!
If memory serves, the Uigher are almost exclusively followers of Islam. But no, that wouldn’t have anything to do with the reasons behind the attack, would it? sarc/off
And speaking of another group the left doesn’t want criticised but wants the rest of us to bow down to …
Okay two questions-
WTF is a “mana whenua.” and a “taniwha”?
And are the Maori now laying claim to anything or place that has a tribal name attached like some Indian tribes tried to here?
They made that claim a loooooong time ago, darin.
“Mana whenua” is – like most maori words – an invented term. It means something along the lines of original guardians, or original owners.
A taniwha is a mythical monster. They are said to live in rivers, creeks and swamps. They loathe western civilisation and set out to destroy any development on their little slice of heaven. But they can be placated by generous payment of “koha” (see “jizya”) to the local iwi (tribe).
In the case of Auckland, because of the internecine wars of attrition, as many as 19 different “iwi” could claim “mana whenua” status to many areas. It the Auckland Unitary Plan goes through (which it will) this could be a nice little earner for them, because anyone wanting to make any alterations – build a house, add a deck, build a swimming pool – will need to seek a CIA (“Cultural Impact Assessment”) from the “mana whenua”. This will, of course, involve the paying of fees and donations and – I suspect – the size of the donation will determine whether there is anything of cultural value, or even a taniwha, living in the area to be developed. The good news from the GDR politburo is that Aucklanders will be allowed to keep a garden without requiring iwi consent. So, we should be happy about that.
In the case of these people, they are basically fucked six ways from Sunday. They must get the local iwi’s blessing or their resource consent won’t renewed. If it isn’t renewed, the council can stop them taking water from the bore. If they resist the council and continue taking the water then of course there are plenty of punitive measures available – from fines and litigation to massively ramping up the value of the properties to bleed them out via property taxes. They could all install water tanks instead of using the bore – a capital outlay of several thousand dollars – but the council has started charging for tank water based on the square area of the property’s house and the number of millimetres of rain which has fallen. And then of course they need to get water trucked in when it doesn’t rain. No rebate there, of course!
Hmmm…I see,so have you thought of moving away from that asylum?I mean in the States we mainly just have pockets of crazy people,mostly in large cities.We are blessed with enough real estate to get away from most of them.
I spent a decade in exile, living in Australia, but I made the mistake of living in the pinkest city in the pinkest state. Also thanks to low-info assholes, Australia’s economy is in the toilet, and likely to be so for a few years. I moved home mainly for family reasons.
is this tank charge to do with sewage charges [by having no water meter hence they can’t ascertain volume out flow]?
Something tells me the Chinese government won’t call for restraint or an interfaith prayer breakfast to deal with this either
Yep, spot-on there Darin!
The Chinese Air Force wouldn’t get very many opportunities to get their bombers into action.
This is just *asking* for a good week or two of good solid carpet-bombing.
We have oppressed people here in the Seattle Soviet who are thinking of escape to freedom loving New Zealand….I always suggest they try Australia first.
Speaking of the Chinese Islamic terrorist attack – I’m wondering if there is a country in the world they haven’t attacked Gabon Andorra The list is getting shorter by the hour.
You’d think the over 80% non-Muslim population of the world who agree on very little would agree that, “Hey, hey, ho, ho ISLAM simply has to go!”
There’s never been a moslem terrorist attack in New Zealand, ronbo, so I guess that’s one thing going for the place.
They don’t need a terrorist attack whilst they have the tangata whenua doing the white anting for them!
No moslem terror attacks, but plenty of financial atrocities committed!
No, but one did try to hijack a Beech 1900 demanding to be flown to Australia. Not the sharpest tool in the shed, given the range of that aircraft is about 500km.
Yes, she did. But really, you can’t count that as an attack. I mean, she wasn’t even self-combusting; just trying on Aussie’s southern border what was a daily occurrence on the northern. And with as much chance of success!
American Muslims being politically correct:
However, they are sticking with ancient slogan in Arabic, “KILL THE INFIDEL!”
Muhammad Skyhook, the Koran Scholar has said it’s okay to kill black or white Americans, as Islam is an equal opportunity murder machine.
I need not add anything more- you all have stated it all-
British Intelligence Advisor: Obama Born In Kenya In 1960
British Intelligence Advisor Barrister Michael Shrimpton reported Obama’s purported mom was not pregnant in 1961 and that Obama was born in Kenya in 1960.
He said Kenya was under British intelligence files and that Obama’s father ran guns for the Mau Mau. He then dropped a bombshell claiming the CIA did covert DNA testing on Obama at a fundraising dinner and the test came back with no match to the claimed grandparents. Shrimpton said Rudy Giuliani’s people knew and sat on the intelligence and further stated he spoke with Hillary Clinton’s people and that they were quite interested.
This is all so beside the point RB. Both parties and their media henchmen have been so content with the usurper of powers while he has been in office that the questions of his parentage remains a red herring. What would be most insightful would to be able to understand who or what keeps all these diverse agents of anti-Americanism to stay on course? HOW they do it would then be easier to determine.
How to combat it almost certainly will come not from knowing any of this, but from natural law. Why? Because, no matter how constipated the producers, BS has no structural integrity.
Let us remember that the Chinese government is communist. The retaliation will be brutal, swift, and unrelenting. The left does not like justice, it prefers vengeance. And if the culprits are not available, the demographic that originated them will do.
Something to remember when the Western left goes full retard. When your neighbour shoots a cop, the whole block’s gonna get burnt down.
Hang together or hang seperately.
Shoots A cop?Observe,overcome,adapt.Where I am from the cops know better than to mess with the folks,we know where they live
Ah, but they’ll be importing the door-kickers for that very reason. Every lunatic they can pin a badge on.
TRE-Target Rich Environment
Float like a butterfly, sting like a 180 grain FMJ at 3000fps.
“…We have oppressed people here in the Seattle Soviet who are thinking of escape to freedom loving New Zealand..”
Bawaaahahahaha! Frying pan>>>>>>>>>>fire.
the thing here is the MSM and their cronie buddies in academia/the political mire just love taking particular viewpoints from across the globe as “fact”and publicise them as the “new order”.
the amount of trivial crap that is headline “given” ,so “it’s decided – get in and support it”..if not your’e a “racist” , a “denier”..or “just so out of step with normal society” [akin to a paedophile].
the reality is that they don’t have a role or worthwhile job in NZ ,so they just invent one.and it’s perpetual – find a trivial issue, MSM hipes it up ,wheel out an expert ,funding needed ..a wallah! a new brigade of klipboard clowns and a fat chunk of funding to the academic fraternity.
the worst part of it is that the publicists actually believe the crap they are peddling.
its a small pond here ,so this garbage gets traction quickly and locked in without question far rapidly than other countries.
I know; I have to deal with these useless idiots far more frequently in the last 5 years than ever in the 30 years before.all I see is the dollar signs in their eyes.
I have just finished “shouting” down 2 of these types government and one independent consultant. [one I told “check the credentials of who wrote this so called compliance document ,because it has zero scientific standing and therefore we would be fools to subscribe to it”..they fumbled around realising the the document was flawed and left..long story the document was republished and again it’s still flawed]..
and I will be trying to shutdown another consultant auditor gouge next month in bleeding out the terms of reference to extoll more $ [this guy will be in for a shock ,I don’t mince words anymore- I have made it quite clear that we should sack them if they don’t keep to contract, …I sacked a H&S compliance company last year for a similar gouge].And all this is done with a smile