‘Like ObamaCare, Obama’s massive budget proposal has all sorts of horrible things in it, but one of them is more horrible than the rest.
“That of the funds appropriated under title III of this Act, not less than $575,000,000 should be made available for family planning/reproductive health, including in areas where population growth threatens biodiversity or endangered species.”
It’s hard to misread this as anything except promoting birth control/abortion of humans to protect endangered species.’ Daniel Greenfield
It would be a mercy killing…
Aye, it would.
I wonder if “areas where population growth threatens biodiversity or endangered species” include muslim exclaves? Some Pb-rich birth control in those areas would be a positive step…..
I say we declare all camels an endangered species.
Genius! Although…we have camels roaming around out West here, so we’d need an exemption for those.
Next will come forced abortions and sterilizations. Why not? It would help the environment and curb the dissenting voices.
Does the name Ehrlich ring any bells?
Sure does, Michael.
Is the link right?I get an article on amnesty here?
Fixed. Right page, wrong item. Thanks for pointing it out.
Good stuff,read the article on Shamnesty too.Dam that Greenfield is good,makes me want to burn my keyboard
Same here.
So if the environment or some striped frog is endangered by human activity, they’ll start pumping that area encouraging birth control, abortions etc.
And your garden-variety greenie thought their green masters were preserving the environment for their children to look at.