Open house

shooting sheep A great time waster.

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63 Responses to Open house

  1. Cadwallader says:

    It seems that the msm are now realizing that the missing Malaysian Airways plane has been hi-jacked. I would like to read a few theories on this from KG’s regulars. If the plane has been stolen by islamos where is it now? Where are the crew/passengers? I would’ve thought that techno-tracking may have worked but it seems not.

    • KG says:

      Refuelled in Pakistan and now in Iran? It had the range, I believe.
      And wouldn’t it make the perfect EMP delivery system…..

      • Findalis says:

        Iran doesn’t have a delivery system for its nuke. Refueled, repainted in El Al colors, bomb in cargo hold, and passengers (living or dead) in their seats. Fly over Syria to Israel and boom over Tel Aviv.

        Israel has a shoot first policy on unknown planes and every El Al pilot was and is a IAF pilot. Bet you the Israelis shoot it down first.

        • KG says:

          I’ll take that bet.
          An airliner with false transponders could easily get to within range of Israel’s borders at 36,000ft before being shot down – and detonate an EMP device.
          It doesn’t have to cross into Israeli airspace in order to do the damage.

    • GW says:

      In discussing who might have hi-jacked the 777, news reports over here have described both the pilot and co-pilot as benign. But in describing the co-pilot, the man’s family says “he is a good muslim; he attends mosque every week,” as if that somehow should make it less likely that he was involved in the hi-jacking. It gave me a good long, if ironic, laugh.

  2. Redbaiter says:

    My guess is a catastrophic event crashed the electronics and left the plane without navigation or communications.

    Lost and in the dark the pilots flew around trying to find a landing point but eventually ran out of fuel and crashed somewhere.

    • Wombat says:

      A hijacking by trained aviators appears to be the new concensus.

      What bothers me is that the plane should have been lighting up a whole bunch of military radars from go to whoa. There should be several nations that know its exact flight path.

      My understanding is that it’s hard enough to put a single engine Cessna into foreign airspace without detection much less a airliner.

      Tell me I’m wrong… :shock:

      • Odakyu-sen says:

        If I was operating a military radar installation, I wouldn’t want you to know that I knew about you-know-what.

        • Wombat says:

          Yet all neighboring nations know where the instillations are. Radar works both ways.

          Mobile phones, besides, would have been picked up by towers the moment they entered into signal range. I doubt they were all gathered up, and furthermore most of that data is dredged up by the NSA to some degree. If there was so much as one TWEET out of that plane then they would have been able to track its whereabouts instantly.
          The NSA has a well established track record of reverse engineering its evidence gathering, i.e. dump the info on a local authority and give them a credible story as to how they attained it.

          Disturbingly, what it boils down to are several possible conclusions.
          1) Various state actors are aware of the flight’s location but are unwilling to make that fact known, for reasons beyond our ability to predict.
          2) Our so called omniscient surveillance state is actually FAR less capable then they have led us to believe.

          Oh well. If we ever find ou the truth it’ll be a damn intersting story. The multimillion dollar question is, “if those folks aren’t at the bottom of the sea then where are they now?”

      • Oswald Bastable says:

        Military radar in countries where the operators could be inclined or bribed to do a Sergeant Schultz…

  3. Wombat says:

    Fred knocks it out of the park.

    Having not long passed the ripe old age of 30, I’m often left to wonder how far western education systems had degraded before I entered primary school.

    Certainly I have witnessed the glorified kindergyms that now pose as primary schools. Worse still are the back-alley ape enclosures we still call high schools.

    I often balk at the certainty of our future. In ten years my generation will be running the show and it will be horrible.
    In twenty more we will be a nation run by men and women as mentally endowed as feudal peasants.

  4. KG says:

    “In twenty more we will be a nation run by men and women as mentally endowed as feudal peasants.”
    Yep. The idea of the future being in their hands is frightening.

  5. mawm says:

    Fred nails it with:-

    “What am I, and people my age, supposed to feel other than raw contempt for pig-ignorant, self-righteous, utterly useless illiterates whom society will have to feed and house like barnyard animals for the next fifty years?”

    At least I won’t be around for the full fifty years.

    • Ronbo says:

      INFERIORS :!:

      We alpha males, you know – the forgotten ones who keep the world turning – are ruled by people not fit to wipe our asses :!:

      THE IDIOT-CRACY :!: (SPIT :!: )

      In an earlier age – the 19th century, for example – our INFERIORS knew their place…and got knocked up the side of the head if they got fresh.

      But today we alphas have become so damn polite and CIVILIZED :!:

      It’s no surprise that one of the most popular television programs this season is the “VIKINGS” on the History Channel, where the pagan alpha males Northmen run amok to conquer and rule the world.

      My point is not that we superior men become pagans again, but we don’t have to take this shit from worthless parasites that we feed… :evil:

      • Wombat says:

        Nothing short of a massive die-off of sub-par genetic material is going to sort this mess out.

        Reality has been ignored for quite a while, but the consequences are cracking their knuckles and rolling up their shirt sleeves.

  6. Michael in Nelson says:

    Guess who?

    There was once the head of a country who rose to power with no experience as an executive or adequate training. This person could not stand to be criticized and sought to punish those they thought were out to replace them or thwart what they wanted to do. They thought that their position gave them the right to do whatever they wanted to. They gloated over the discomfort of their opponents and would willingly inflict harm on the general populace to advance their agenda.

    Some of their most vocal opponents claimed that circumstances around their birth precluded their right to their position.

    I’ll wait to supply the answer until there are a couple of guesses.

    • Wombat says:

      99% of all politicians, police officers and empowered bureacrats in the whole history of mankind.

    • mawm says:

      Adolf Hitler as he was born in Austria and only became a German citizen a year before he was appointed Chancellor by the ageing Pelosi von Hindenburg, the Reichspresident. After Hindenburg’s death Hitler did away with that position and renamed himself Fuhrer und Reichskanzler, thus creating his dictatorship.

      At least we had some politicians who knew evil when they saw it and the balls to do something about it.

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      The person I have in mind is Joeffrey Baratheon from ‘The Game of Thrones series. It struck me that this character is a spoiled teenage tyrant with sadistic psychotic tendencies and remarkably like HBSC in the White House.

  7. Darin says:

    Preparing for the coming Ice Age

  8. Darin says:

    Now he’s fundamentally transformerin our Interwebs-

    Don’t know for sure yet what difference this will bring,but I am betting the Internet is fixing to cost more.

  9. KG says:

    I’m getting soft….Gecko spotted a pig when we were on our way to Townsville yesterday morning. It was just after dawn and he was contentedly snuffling his way through some swamp grass, less than 60m away.
    I pulled up, went to pull the rifle out of the back seat–and had second thoughts. He was so close, so completely unaware, enjoying the cool of the morning that it would have felt like murder to shoot him.
    Go well, pig.

  10. KG says:

    Just in:
    FOOTAGE of the two MH370 pilots going through final checks before boarding the flight has been released as a new theory emerges that the plane may have landed in Afghanistan or Pakistan.
    Malaysian authorities are seeking diplomatic permission to look at whether missing Flight 370 flew under the radar to Taliban-controlled bases on Afghan border.
    “New theory”? scroll up to March 15, 2014 at 17:12

  11. mistress mara says:

    KG, the pig and I are delighted. Good man. ;-)

  12. Darin says:

    “US Navy dumping sewage in world’s most pristine waters”

    After reading the article it turns out it’s been going on for 30 years and yet the waters are still “pristine”

    Lefty prog authors at their finest

  13. KG says:

    ‘A JUDGE has refused to immediately jail a young man for having sex with a 13-year-old girl, saying today’s youth do not realise underage sex is a serious crime. ‘

    Perhaps they would realise it, if some of them were jailed?
    I have my defence ready, should I ever rob a bank and get caught…”I never realised it was a serious crime, yerhonner”.

  14. KG says:

    ‘THE Greens are finished. They lost more than a third of their voters in Tasmania’s election and are everywhere in retreat.
    In Saturday’s election, in the Greens’ birthplace, the party’s vote crashed from 21 per cent to 13.
    Last year’s federal election was little better. The party lost 500,000 voters — more than a quarter of their support — in the Senate poll.
    In the 2012 ACT election, the Greens were also hammered, losing a third of their vote. In Western Australia last year, they lost a quarter.’

    • Ronbo says:

      There seems to be an Anglosphere revolt against the Left because even Democommie politicians in this country are predicting a “Wave” election that will swept the Republicans into control of both the House and Senate.

      Also, in Britain, the independence of Scotland is almost a done deal….as is well known, the Labour Party cannot rule in Parliament without the Scottish Labour Party MPs, so the big winner there will be the Conservative Party that has the Tea Party style UKIP on its right flank.

  15. Darin says:

    Man rents apartment out for the weekend and returns to find an orgy of fat people-

    The comments deliver as usual-
    “Said there was going to be a ton of women there, didn’t know he only meant 4”

    “A salesman goes out of town for business. After a couple of weeks he comes home and tells his wife about it. “Guess what dear, I earned $4,000 by selling 50 mattresses and 30 pairs of panties!” The wife replies “Really? Well with just one mattress and no panties I earned twice as much.”
    :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

  16. KG says:

    ‘ISRAEL HAS PUT IN PLACE secret security measures in light of the disappearance of a Malaysia Airlines jet that experts fear could become a weapon in wrong hands, amid theories it could have been hijacked to Iran.’

    • Darin says:

      Let’s suppose they try and fly one in over Israel.What if they f–k up the navigation and popped the cork over the Palestinian territory instead? :mrgreen:

  17. MvL says:

    With all the speculation over the missing 777 and the possibility of a high altitude break-up.
    Here’s a man who survived a high speed breakup at 78,000 ft!
    The right stuff indeed.

  18. mistress mara says:

    Darin, IF the airplane was “stolen,” as suspected, I don’t think the pilots involved would be so incompetent as to cock it up in delivery of payload. Israel is correct to be ULTRA vigilant and I’m sure they already are.

  19. mistress mara says:

    Darin, you post a picture of rock apes… the pilots here are clearly not goat shagging morons .

  20. KG says:

    Killing one another..this is what I call progress:
    ‘A WESTERN Sydney man who died fighting with rebels in Syria has been revealed to be an Australian soldier who went absent without leave more than three years ago.
    Caner Temel, 22, is believed to have become radicalised and died fighting with jihadists in January… The rogue combat engineer is the first soldier from a western country to have been killed in the Syrian civil war.
    He died while fighting for the extremist group the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant against more moderate rebels’
    Mr Temel’s death came days after the killing of Sydney man Yusuf Ali and his wife Amira near Aleppo. It was reported they were killed during fighting between rebel factions.
    Last September, a Melbourne man became the first Australian to die as a suicide bomber in Syria after blowing himself up at a checkpoint..’