Taking out the trash:

‘Aussies killed in US drone strike in Yemen
TWO Australian citizens have been killed in a US airstrike in Yemen in what is the first known example of Australian extremists dying as a result of Washington’s highly controversial use of predator drones.
The Australian has been told the two men, believed to be in their 20s, were killed in a Predator drone strike on five al-Qa’ida militants travelling in a convoy of cars in Hadramout, in eastern Yemen, on November 19…’
Via The Australian (subscription required)

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28 Responses to Taking out the trash:

  1. Seneca III says:

    Neat. Warms the cockles of my heart. http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_bye.gif

    • John_ says:

      Unless they were there on holidays. I suppose guilty till proven innocent doesn’t apply to alleged terrorists……………….until such time the same people that make such a claim start operations over American / Australian soil.
      You fail to see where these operations will end up.

      Try actually reading the statement to the right under the idiotic plane picture.

      • KG says:

        “On holidays”?? Alongside known jihadis? Yeah, right. It’s a perfectly routine way for young men to spend their holidays, after all. The nice lady at the travel agency probably gave them a list of interesting people to meet……
        ‘The Australian has been told the two men, believed to be in their 20s, were killed in a Predator drone strike on five al-Qa’ida militants travelling in a convoy of cars in Hadramout, in eastern Yemen, on November 19.’
        “You fail to see where these operations will end up.”
        And you’re just guessing. And you fail to see (because you’re fucking clueless) that civil law is utterly useless when it comes to fighting terrorism. Idiots such as you refuse to believe in evil until the knife is at their own throats. You’re kept safe to babble your inanities by those who are prepared to do the dirty work.
        “Try actually reading the statement to the right under the idiotic plane picture.”
        There is no “idiotic plane picture” in the online version of The Australian.

    • KG says:

      Mine too, Seneca.

  2. KG says:

    As far as I’m concerned, anybody who converts to islam has joined the enemy camp and a hellfire missile up the backside is a just reward.

  3. Cadwallader says:

    I take it these guys were OZ born and converted to the Jihad? Therefore, good riddance!

    • KG says:

      One was a Kiwi with Oz dual-nationalty. But who cares? Lie down with dogs and you get fleas…..

  4. Darin says:

    Any day the world is less two muzzie arse holes is a good day far as I am concerned.http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_good.gif

  5. GW says:

    On behalf of all Americans to all Aussies . . . . you’re welcome.

  6. Odakyu-sen says:

    Oh nos!

    Today’s NW Herald’s article has headlines: “Kiwi ‘foot soldier’ for al-Qaeda killed in Yemen by drone.”
    You mean Kiwis* are involved in al-Qaeda?!?

    *White person who must have Watties’** tomato sauce on their “chups.”
    ** A Heinz subsidiary.

  7. Ronbo says:

    Muslims cannot become citizens of Australia, America, New Zealand, or any country anymore than a monkey, horse, pig, or snake can be granted citizenship. :evil:

  8. Michael in Nelson says:

    OT KG but still deals with trash…..Is there any wild conspiracy theory about the Obama Administration that won’t eventually be proved true?



    • KG says:

      :shock: Reported by the NYT, no less! Things must be getting blatant, when even that bunch feel they have to report it.

  9. erikter says:

    The asshole Green Norman is complaining about the “assasination” of a Kiwi citizen. Fucking communist!

    • KG says:

      Of course he is. Perhaps one day greens assholes like him will be hunted down using drones – and killed like the vermin they are.
      It’d be justice….after all, how many millions have they killed from malaria due to their ban on DDT?
      For these slimy bludging swine to try and take some kind of moral high ground is a sick joke.
      Of course Norman would have liked to see the jihadikiwi brought back to NZ–so he and his repulsive ilk could slobber and fawn over it. :evil:

  10. Andrew Berwick says:

    Just shows the right way to do it. If Hellen had had Predators and Hellfires back in 2007, would would have complained if she’d sent ’em in against Taame Iti and friends?

    Who would complain if Key Hellfired the POAL strikers, or the NZEI National conference.

    Forget more frigates (or bringing back the strike wing) — Predators & Hellfires I say!

  11. Darin says:

    Don’t fear the Reaper :cool:


  12. thor42 says:

    I heard that a New Zealand forehead-thumper also got nailed. Good riddance!

  13. Mathew says:

    I look forward to the daily marches and burnings of obama effigies in our streets because of this. After all when a certain Australian hero (of the left) was detained and held in Gitmo, fed and clothed for a few years coming out looking nice an plump; lefties this country over were holding vigils, squealing and wailing about it day and night.

    They can’t tell me detaining someone for a few years with free room and board is worse than getting blown to pieces without any trial whatsoever. Now get to it leftards.