‘Half of foreign doctors would not be able to practise in Britain if they were subjected to the same level of scrutiny as British doctors, a study by University College London has found
The majority of the 88,000 foreign doctors in the health service would fail exams if they were held to the same standard as their British colleagues, according to the research…
…They make up almost a third of all NHS doctors but account for approximately two thirds of those struck off each year…’
And I’m willing to bet that the number of South African, Australian and Canadian doctors combined struck off each year is vanishingly small. Any takers?
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India and Pakistan head the list of foreign doctors, while South African’s are 3rd with 2.1% of the doctors practising in the UK. The Aussies seem not to want to leave Oz and are only 0.8%, while the Canuks are not even mentioned.
The stats from the GMC on doctors investigated and outcomes are published but the breakdown of disciplined doctors by country of origin is not available. I wonder why.
KG, as an RN with much experience I support your scepticism. Look at the staffing of NZ old peoples’ homes. Er, better not if you cannot speak Mandarin or Urdu.
Good to see you, Mara.
I suspect that the real figures for NZ are either not collected or are suppressed. Doesn’t suit the multiculti narrative, y’know….
KG – the figures are there, it is late and I really can’t be arsed.
Mara – not all foreign nurses are bad, maybe there is a cultural difference or standard of training but no Kiwis are stepping up to the job so there is no choice but to employ foreigners. It is sad to hear about your mother, my thoughts are with you.
I told some English lads I worked seasonal with on the touring about this. I heard “That’s racist”, no, that’s realist http://www.amren.com/news/2013/05/doctor-jailed-for-sex-assaults-on-patients/
Putting filthy degenerate darks in positions of trust, be it doctors, taxi, security, cops whatever has been proven a very bad idea. Over and over again.
Use Treason in a sentence
[tree-zuhn] Show IPA
the offense of acting to overthrow one’s government or to harm or kill its sovereign.
a violation of allegiance to one’s sovereign or to one’s state.
the betrayal of a trust or confidence; breach of faith; treachery.
A quarter are Euros, the worst (known) offenders are Indians, then Nigerians, then Egyptians. But the death they cite at the end was a Gerry. Is Ubani a German name?
Mum is 93 and dying. She brought me to NZ post war in 1951. She is a proud, elegant and classy woman. Immigration is not all bad. Sorry I’m having a weep.
I’m sorry to hear that mistress mara, my thoughts are with you
Mailed you, Mara.
I’m suprised it’s only 1/2
We get lots of doctors from Canaduh down here,less hours,better pay all that.We also get Japanese and Korean docs,but they are usually very good at what they do.
The worst by far are Indian (dot not feather) and Paki.They all want to be cardiac specialists since that’s where the money is at.
For me, I don’t give a damn what colour a doctor, nurse or any other professional is–all I care about is competence.
Yup,same here,just that competence and work ethic go hand in hand and some cultures have better or worse work ethic.
Our native born docs,well they range from top notch professionals to raging alcoholic gawlf addicts.I partially chose my doctor because he smokes and rides a Harley
My wife suffered a botched epidural during the birth of our second son at the hands of a man who could barely speak English.
She went to another hospital to have the butchery “patched”, where the doctor doing the patching informed us that it’s all he does now, since the number of botched epidurals coming out of our local hospital has literally tripled.
So, we get a butcher who not only causes havoc to the patients but ties up a formerly productive doctor who has to fix this fucker’s mistakes. Viva progress!
I guess with socialized medicine you get what you pay for.
The socialization may cripple it but the politics murders it outright.
Oh, and with socialized medicine you don’t get what you’ve in fact already paid for.
You don’t get what you pay for…..unless your special.Remember,all are treated as equals,but some are more equal than others.